Webinars and Coffee Hours

LAA Coffee Hour (December 4, 2020)

For the December Coffee hour we reflected on what worked and what didnt during the Fall semester.

Check out our notes here.

Facilitated by Eleanor Close, Mary Emenike, Kara E Gray, Carolyn Schick, Jennifer Avena, Susan Hendrickson, and Mel Sabella

LAA Coffee Hour (October 19, 2020)

For the October Coffee we had instructional teams (LAs and faculty/coordinators) from Boston University, Florida Atlantic University, Montgomery College and the University of Colorado - Boulder lead discussions on four topics.


    • Building community and connections between students themselves as well as connections with their instructors.
      Liam Quidore (LA), Angela Seliga , Boston University

    • LA’s facilitating group learning during online synchronous lectures.
      Mario Molina (LA), Brittanney Adelmann, Florida Atlantic University

    • How can LAs grow equity and inclusion for all?
      Ashley Pattammady (LA), Carolyn Schick, Montgomery College

    • What are the best ways for faculty to get feedback from LAs for future material/course development?
      Mayako Short (LA), Betsy McIntosh, University of Colorado Boulder

LAA Coffee Hour (August 7, 2020)

Members of the LA community got together for our second coffee hour to discuss how best to engage students and LAs in remote classes.

Link to slides and collaborative document.

LAA Coffee Hour (July 14, 2020)

Members of the LA community got together to discuss how best to leverage LAs in remote learning.

Link to slides, collaborative document and ideas from chat.

Using video conferencing and a Learning Management Systems (LMS) to facilitate an interactive, synchronous, LA supported class.

Dr. Jennifer Avena, University of Colorado - Boulder

Synchronous (this showcases Zoom and Canvas but you can implement many of these activities using other Video Conference tools and LMSs.)

Involving LAs to support asynchronous activities through a Learning Management System (LMS).

Dr. Jennifer Avena, University of Colorado - Boulder

Asynchronous (this video showcases Canvas but you can implement many of these activities using other LMSs.)

Running Synchronous Online Learning Assistant-supported Classes.

Jennifer Avena (University of Colorado Boulder), Sujata Krishna (University of Florida) with LA voices: Jeffrey Feldman, Una Milovanovic

April 21st