City Council - At Large

The City Council is the legislative branch of the government. Any new laws, tax changes, and appointments must be approved by them. They meet several times a month.

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Source: City of Northfield

Ricky Livingston

Did not respond to survey

Brad Ness

Please list any present political offices you hold.

A. City Council, At Large (1st Term)

Q. Please list any past political offices you have held.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of.

A. Chamber of Commerce member

Defeat of Jesse James Days committee

Q. You are running for reelection, why do you want to stay in office?

A. There is a learning curve with this office. I believe that I am now familiar with all the aspects of the City Council. I believe that I have worked to keep spending under control while still offering the Citizen of Northfield the services they expect.

Q. What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?

A. I do not have any "hot button" issues. I think it is very important to keep an open mind on all items on the agenda. There are many cyclical issues that come up regularly and I treat them individually by reading the "legislation text" in the agenda and the many pages of history and background associated with the agenda item.

Q. State and Local government often go unnoticed how would help keep the public informed?

A. I think the City of Northfield Communications office does a great job of what is happening with all the departments within the City. The citizens need to take some of the initiative to find this information but they will be happy they made the effort because the information is concise and up to date.

Q. What does being a leader mean to you?

A. I think a leader listens. Councilors need to listen to each other and the citizens who voted them into office.

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