City Council

The City Council is the legislative branch of the government. Any new laws, tax changes, and appointments must be approved by them. They meet several times a month.

For the Dundas City Council you can vote for two options in 2020

Kimberly Hidahl

Please list any present political offices you hold.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any past political offices you have held.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of.

A. Since 2013, I have been an active member of the Minnesota TRIO Association, a non-profit organization that advocates for educational access for students from low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented backgrounds as well as veterans and students with disabilities.

I’ve served in various roles on the MN TRIO board and served as chair of multiple committees since 2015 and will serve as the president-elect beginning in November.

Q. What inspired you to run for office?

A. I have always felt a sense of duty to help my community and others. My core values are based on equity and inclusion and I want to make an even bigger impact by being more active in our local community.

Q. What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?

A. I want to ensure that we not only listen to and think carefully about all voices at the table, but also consider the voices of those who are not present when making decisions that will affect our community.

Q. State and Local government often go unnoticed how would help keep the public informed?

A. Public participation is key to local government, so I would like to make it easier for residents to have a two-way conversation with the city council in our growing community. Currently, meeting minutes and agendas are posted online quickly and the meeting times are accessible to most residents, however, I think we can be more proactive in reaching out to community members.

My work in education involves communicating quickly with many of my students. There are numerous inexpensive technologies readily available that can not only keep residents informed, but also let residents give their feedback on city projects. For example, residents could sign up for text messages that summarize or give links to on-going projects and upcoming decisions and can respond with their thoughts on the matter. I believe there are many ways we can better help our residents be engaged with local government and let their voices be heard in a way that’s easy and convenient for them.

Q. What does being a leader mean to you?

A. As a mother, I strive to teach my two daughters that leadership shows up in many ways. A good leader is someone who is aware of their personal limitations and capitalizes on the strengths of others in their community; they take feedback and seek to work with those with opposing viewpoints. Above all, a good leader ensures equity and inclusion are front-of-mind in all they do.

Luke La Croix

Please list any present political offices you hold.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any past political offices you have held.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of.


Q. What inspired you to run for office?

A. Every resident is impacted in some way by the decisions made by the city. As a resident and business owner in Dundas I have a vested interest in the prosperity of our town. I want to be involved in the shaping of its future.

Q. What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?

A. With all of the growth Dundas has experienced in recent years I want to make sure the city is doing its part to provide the best service to the residents at the best value.

Q. State and Local government often go unnoticed how would help keep the public informed?

A. A communication gap exists between the City and its residents which means there are many opportunities to improve. Ways to improve include an updated website that is easy to navigate, giving the public the ability to stream council meetings, and a social platform to update and engage our community. When we make it easy for the residents’ voices to be heard, it will result in a better informed decision from the council.

Q. What does being a leader mean to you?

A. To me, being an effective leader is having the ability to bring people to a common goal collectively. A leader must be able to stand up and say, “I will take on the responsibility to weigh all options and make the hard decisions.” Leaders also need to remember they represent all of their people and even if they do not agree on all matters, they will treat everyone with respect and dignity.

Learn More About Luke:

John Cruz

Please list any present political offices you hold.

A. Dundas City Council and Dundas Planning Commission

Q. Please list any past political offices you have held.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of.


Q. You are running for reelection, why do you want to stay in office?

A. I'l like to be able to continue to help the city grow responsibly without jeopardizing the city's budget for its residents.

Q. What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?

A. I'd like to enable further business development along HWY 3 and the Hester street business district. I would also like to see completion of mixed use development next to the new Dundas City Hall.

Q. State and Local government often go unnoticed how would help keep the public informed?

A. With further use of online resources the city will be able to increase access and enable residents to get answers to questions and find the information that they need to stay informed and feel connected.

Q. What does being a leader mean to you?

A. Being a leader to me means being a positive example. It means taking on a challenge even when a situation is difficult. A leader finds common ground to bring people together so everyone has a chance to prosper. A leader also understands when to listen and when to take action.

Luke Swartwood

Please list any present political offices you hold.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any past political offices you have held.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of.


Q. What inspired you to run for office?

A. Since I have lived in Dundas I have always had an interest in whats going on with our community, how the City is changing and how these decisions get made. My wife and I raise our family here, kids go to school here and we worship here; so when I found out that there were open seats on the City Council I was inspired to run to bring a fresh, non-political perspective to our growing City of Dundas. I hope to be a voice for the people of this City today and to help grow this community for a better future.

Q. What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?

A. My first goal is to listen and learn the system and how it works, before I act. I would also like to help increase communication between the residents of this City and the City itself. My hope is to help the people understand how to communicate effectively with the City while understanding why decisions are made and to ultimately build trust between the two.

Q. State and Local government often go unnoticed how would help keep the public informed?

A. I don’t think going unnoticed is a bad thing. It can also mean things are running smoothly as they should and go unnoticed because they are doing the job the right way. However, Cities must adapt and change with the times just like everything else, even smaller communities like Dundas. I would help bring updated technology, social media, and overall a new perspective of ideas to the table to help keep the public informed in the best possible ways that’s good for the people and the City.

Q. What does being a leader mean to you?

A. In my opinion, being a leader does not require a fancy title, a long list of direct reports or a big salary. I feel that anyone can be a leader in any role no matter the circumstance. To me being a leader has always meant to lead by example; someone willing to listen to all sides, has a balanced approach with an open mind to all situations and is able to give constructive feedback. A leader is someone who can make informed decisions based on the data for the best possible outcome.

Learn More About Luke:

John McCarthy

Please list any present political offices you hold.

A. n/a

Q. Please list any past political offices you have held.

A. Three terms as a council member in the City of International Falls. Charter Board Member of the North Koochiching Sanitary Sewer District, a Minnesota Governmental Unit, Board Member of the International Falls / Koochiching County Airport Commission.

Q. Please list any civic, community, or professional organizations/clubs your a part of.


Q. What inspired you to run for office?

A. I believe citizens should give back to their community and public service is one of the ways this can be accomplished. My campaign will be based on helping the City of Dundas continue the growth and progress which has been accomplished since the beginning of this century. I will use my 40 plus years of experience in local government to help the City continue building on the vision of a growing and vibrant community while maintaining a strong financial position.

Q. What is something that you would like to accomplish while in office?

A. The City of Dundas recently approved an updated and amended Comprehensive Plan. I plan to work with the council and staff to use the information and goals of the Plan to improve on the positives and address any shortcomings identified. Some specifics are: (1.) Work to create a new zoning designation for the older portion of Dundas (on each side of the Cannon River) to permit many of the properties which are are not in compliance with the current code to be improved or redeveloped in an appropriate manner. (2.) Use my experience in local government and as a former private business owner to insure Dundas maintains a balance between commercial/industrial and residential development while preserving the “small town” experience.

Due to long term planning, the City has built a healthy reserve while seeing property tax rates decrease by over 25%. Financial planning and reserve funds have permitted the City to borrow at a lower interest rate than is common for its size. I will work to keep taxes reasonable while providing for desired services and controlled growth.

Q. State and Local government often go unnoticed how would help keep the public informed?

A. The success of my former business was based on customer service. I will be available to work with people and groups to provide information regarding the City. I will work with council and staff to insure the activities and direction of the City are communicated with the general public using both traditional and electronic media. As a former council member and administrator, I understand the importance of working with other local and state governments.

Q. What does being a leader mean to you?

A. Being a community leader, one has to be able to synthesize past decisions, current expectations and future goals and develop a course of action which will best serve the community. Leadership is built on earning the trust and respect of the community one is entrusted to guide. A leader must be willing to take considered risks, but help their city progress in a manner which will be beneficial to all.

Website: n/a

Social Media: n/a