Enlightening user interaction with intelligent technology 

The Centre for Interactive Intelligence (C2i) promotes understanding of user interaction with intelligent technology. Intelligent systems incorporate artificial intelligence and when people interact with these systems the complexity increases. The focus on knowing about the system or that of the users will fail to recognize important opportunities for designing interactive applications. This endeavour looks at interactive intelligent systems that aim to understand and improve the capabilities on both human and system sides. Under the umbrella of C2i, many research domains are pursued by faculty and students. The common thread is the interest to understand and explore novel concepts.


Research Discussions @ C-105, SRKR Engg. College
This platform brings students together to share ideas. These discussions contribute to creating a community that learns together, helps each other, and collaborates on serendipitous projects that happen because they hang out together in the lab and other gatherings.
05-Feb-2021 (Friday), 11.30 amAjay Dilip: Role of Trust in IoT Routing
4-Jan-2019 (Friday), 3.30 pmDivya: Routing Techniques in Sensor Networks



Kaminskas, M. and Bridge, D., 2016. Diversity, serendipity, novelty, and coverage: a survey and empirical analysis of beyond-accuracy objectives in recommender systems. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), 7(1), pp.1-42.