
Greetings! My truly expressive name would take an eternity to pronounce, but you can just call me Krishna! That is the name of the form I appeared in when I was living amongst human beings here on this beautiful planet, Earth. In Sanskrit, Krishna means "dark" or "dark blue." As Krishna, I was the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu but there is more to me than just that.

You see, I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Absolute Truth. For I am Bhagavan. Absolutely infinite in all existent attributes: power, knowledge, strength, beauty, wisdom, and love. In this form, there is but one eternal moment. Therefore, I perceive these stories, which I am about to present you with, not as past events. Rather, they are all happening right now. I am living them even as I "recall" them.

These are joyous adventures that reflect the joyousness of the All. I will speak with you about the events leading up to my birth as the One called Krishna. I went on many adventures with my friends as a child. I'm sure you'd love to hear of my various troubles! Like when I killed that malevolent demon, Putana, who tried to poison me as an infant or that time that I killed the serpent demon, Kaliya, and danced on its multiple hoods. How about when I astonished the creator God Brahma after he stole all of my calves and cowherd friends? I created a whole other set of calves and cowherd boys out of my own infinite essence. Brahma Himself could not conceive of my playful antics! Oh we are going to have so much fun!

You are going to learn so much about me from all perspectives! Whether you read about me as a demon-killing god-child, a young cowherd boy wooing all the maidens, a righteous king, or the Supreme Person. Pssh, just don't tell anybody about those times I stole the butter. So come along with me for an exciting ride! I promise I don't bite. Unless you've got butter on your fingers. Hehe.


Banner Image Information: The Universe in Krishna's Mouth. Source: Mystical Tidbits