

This story exceeds 1,000 words, so I've split it into two parts. Click on the drop-down arrow besides "Divine Child." "Krishna Kills Putana" is the first story while "Krishna Kills Kaliya" is the second. On this main page, I've posted my Author's Note and Bibliography.

*Author's Note: My descriptions of both demons and Krishna's battle with them match the original stories. I could find a plentitude of artwork depicting Krishna's battle with Kaliya. However, I was unable to find any worthwhile images of Putana by herself. That's why I decided to have Krishna wipe the reader's memory as a literary ploy for why there was no picture included after her description. Krishna's telepathic dialogue with Kaliya was my own version of the scene. In the original story, Kaliya does plead with Krishna to spare his life and let him go. Krishna also makes the same deal with him. However, nowhere in the ancient stories is telepathy mentioned nor does the dialogue match my version word for word. The response from Krishna as to why he punishes parts of Himself (His creations) is original to my story but I fabricated it based on what I know about Hindu doctrine on Bhagavan and Its relationship to all of existence.