
Full-field Characterizations of Additively Manufactured Composite Cellular Structures. Composites Part B 2024; 272: 111208.

Impact response of polyurea elastomeric foams. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 2024 (Accepted)

This work was highlighted on the cover of ACS Applied Engineering Materials

Congratulations Zaynab!

Our team also presented the following works: 

  • Tuning Load Bearing Capacities of Flexible Honeycomb with Poisson’s Ratio Modulation (Presented by K. Z. Uddin)
  • Experimental-Computational Characterization of Fiber-to-Fiber Interactions in Glass Macro Fiber Composites (Presented by B. Koohbor)

This work was highlighted on the cover of ACS Applied Engineering Materials

Read more about Fortunado here

Kazi will stay with the team to finish his PhD. 

Two new publications in collaboration with Prof. Doitrand's research group at the University of Lyon, France:

* Experimental characterization of in-plane debonding at fiber-matrix interface using single glass macro fiber samples. Composites Part A

* Numerical simulation of fiber–matrix debonding: Inverse identification of interface properties. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 

(In collaboration with Prof. Aniruddh Vashisth of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington)

Chapter 9- Polymeric foams and their nanocomposite derivatives for shock absorption

In: Multifunctional Polymeric Foams - Advancements and Innovative Approaches, CRC Press, 2023

(In collaboration with Prof. George Youssef of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University)

on the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials

Multiscale Strain Field Characterization in Flexible Planar Auxetic Metamaterials with Rotating Squares

on the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials

Density-dependent impact-resilience and auxeticity of elastomeric polyurea foams

(In collaboration with Prof. George Youssef of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University)

This work was highlighted on the cover of ACS Omega

College Station, TX, October 2022.

Congratulations Ibnaj!

(In collaboration with Prof. Wei Xue of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rowan University)

This work was in collaboration with Prof. Jae-Hwang Lee of UMass and was highlighted on the cover of ACS Omega

(In collaboration with Prof. Wei Xue of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rowan University )

(This work is part of Dr. Koohbor's postdoc research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

(In collaboration with Prof. Özgür Çapraz of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University)

(In collaboration with Prof. Cheng Zhu of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rowan University)

Dr. Koohbor organized and co-chaired the Shock and Blast session.

The Frances R. Lax Fund for Faculty Development, established by its namesake, provides stipends to probationary, full-time tenure track faculty who are in the second year of service for professional development activities including: conference registration, academic travel, or academic materials.

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