Complementary Resources
Here you can find complementary information that we provide to our stakeholders, most of it free, such as:
Podcast produced by members of our team.
Documents written by our team members as well as external authors that we appropriately reference.
Reference images for the Project Manager environment.
News related to PMI® and its chapters around the world.
Current news for Project Managers or those who are interested in becoming project leaders.
For you
In this section we have available the links to some articles and websites that, in the opinion of our team of experts, are relevant for those people interested in the Project Management environment.
Project Management Professional - PMP® Certification
Project Management Institue - PMI® Membership
Cooming Soon!
Microsoft Project Course - English Podcast
Cooming Soon!
Microsoft Project Course - Spanish Podcast
Cooming Soon!
Project Management Professional - PMP® Certification Training - English Podcast
Cooming Soon!
Project Management Professional - PMP® Certification Training - Spanish Podcast
Cooming Soon!
Project Finance Evaluation Course - English Podcast
Cooming Soon!
Project Finance Evaluation Course - Spanish Podcast