London Transport Museum 

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Today we went to the London Transport Museum which was very interesting. I loved seeing all of the old buses and trains and seeing the development from then to today. This museum was also interesting to see the different posters because that is something I hope to do with my career in the long run. I loved seeing all the different posters and how each one attracted my eye and how the hierarchy was set up compared to a poster now. 

Edward McKnight Kauffer

Date made: 1930

What attracted me: I was told to watch for this designer and understand why. This designer is incredible for this time because it is not illustrated like the rest, all the other posters I saw had drawn elements of people and this one just has a good way of saying this is fun and you should try it.

What is the purpose: The purpose of this poster is to show that the underground was a powerful thing and can be used for good and also fast.

What emotions does it evoke: This poster evokes the feeling of being energized and fast-paced and that using the underground is cool and fun. Also plays with the elements of a train and plays with that fast-paced aspect of a train.

What is the audience: The audience is people trying to get to work fast and in a speedy manner.

Charles Sharland 

Date made: 1910

What attracted me: This attracted me because it was dark and wiry and I feel that the posters that are supposed to get people to want to take the underground.

What is the purpose: To inform people that the underground is perfect for the winter and wet months because the elements don't affect the underground and still run every day all the time.

What emotions does it evoke: Cold and sadness

What is the audience: The audience is for the people who want to use the tube in a time of not wanting to walk or drive in the bad weather conditions, so mainly older people.

Dora M. Batty

Date made: 1921

What attracted me: I thought this poster was interesting because it is a clown and wondered why it wasn't in color. so why did the designer choose to not make it in color, especially since all of her other work is in color?

What is the purpose: The purpose is to show that it is easy and affordable to bring kids somewhere, especially to a show since London is a musical city and a very popular hobby or pastime. 

What emotions does it evoke: It evokes the scariness of the underground but shows that it is all okay and can be fun and calming after a wave of frustration.

What is the audience: The audience is busy mothers or parents who need to do errands and also be able to bring their children along. The 1920s was a time when women stayed home to watch over their children so it appealed to them that they could bring their kids on the transport. 

Harry Beck's Map

Why is this innovative: This is innovative because it shows all the different stops in a simple and effective way. It also shows what train and where it runs with simple and clean lines. The key at the bottom left side of the map is also very effective with the colors and shows the simplicity of everything and how they work together.

How is it different: This map is different because it is color coordinated and shows all stops from each train. It also has different elements or shapes to show the differences in each train.

How do the different elements contribute: The different elements contribute a lot because it is easy to read and effective. It is easy to read in a rush but also cool to take a second and look at each part and analysis what is unique and different.