Welcome Back!

Posted: August 16, 2022

Greetings KMS Band Family!

Welcome back to a brand new school year. I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing summer break. For those who I have not met, I am Mr. A-T the band director at Kittredge Magnet School. I'm a graduate of the University of Georgia's Hugh Hodgson School of Music, and this is my 6th year at KMS.

By being in band and learning an instrument, you are actively taking on a great challenge and journey. One where your goal is to become better every day. This challenge is not one that will take place over a single day, month, year, or even just your time at Kittredge. This challenge continues through middle school, high school, and beyond. You will look back at this time years from now and truly see how you have grown. I look forward to that day as well.

So I challenge YOU. The challenge of growth and personal improvement, where you are competing with yourself from yesterday.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to this new year ahead!


Mr. A-T

Materials and Equipment

Here are the Band Materials and Equipment for the upcoming school year.

Here is a quick guide on how to use this document:

  1. Check your student's grade level "Required Books/Materials" section.

    • There will be a new book for students to work on.

    • Most items your student should already have.

  2. Check your student's "Instrument Specific Materials/Equipment" section.

    • Double check that your student has all of the "Basic Instrument Needs".

    • Suggested items are optional, but can enhance your child's playing experience.

      • These suggested instruments/accessories will last your student through High School Band and beyond!

Direct Link to Document

20-21 Band Materials and Equipment