Professional Learning for Young Scholars Model

Maintaining focus on opportunity gaps and talent development in diverse populations of students requires frequent opportunities for professional learning and growth.

This book is written to support districts interested in launching a Young Scholars model. Chapters such as leadership, identifying potential, curriculum, professional learning, and partnering with families include core belief statements, voices from the field, practical implementation strategies, and a self-assessment rubric to support continuous improvement.

Who are Young Scholars?  How do AAP services and Wraparound Supports work together?

What professional learning is available to support staff learning about the Young Scholars model?

On demand focused team learning -- Module 1:  Who Are Young Scholars?

This module provides an awareness level understanding of the Young Scholars Model.

AAP Summer Institutes

Professional learning sessions for K-6 teachers are offered at AAP Institutes each year. The August Institute is typically conference-style with multiple breakout session options for a variety of topics and curriculum areas.  The June Institute typically takes place the week after teacher contracts end in June and is comprise of four days of half-day or full-day session choices for teachers to learn about curriculum and strategies to challenge and engage advanced learners. 

FCPS AAP Academy Courses that support Young Scholars

Differentiating Instruction for Advanced Learners 

Social-Emotional Needs of Advanced Learners 

Strategies for Challenging and Engaging Advanced Learners (K-12: Hybrid, Face-to-Face, Online) 

Understanding and Serving Learners who are Twice Exceptional

Young Scholars: A Model for Success