Access and Schoolwide Implementation

FCPS believes in multiple entry points to accessing AAP strategies and curriculum. 

Students formally identified for various levels of AAP services require a differentiated curriculum and pace, but access to strategies and curriculum is available to all students in general education.  

Through collaboration with the Advanced Academic Resource Teachers, opportunities with various levels of scaffolding are provided so that all students have are able to develop critical and creative thinking skills through engaging and rigorous learning experiences that are connected to grade level or beyond grade level learning standards. 

The continuum of services allows for multiple entry points to meet the diverse advanced learning needs of students.  It is focused on matching a student to their needs rather than a gifted label.  During identification, the committee looks at multiple data points to determine a match for frequency/intensity of advanced differentiation needed beyond Tier 1 services as well as for access to a cluster group of students with similar academic needs in determining need.

Tier 1 Access to Rigor:  All students have access to 9 critical and creative thinking strategies and a minimum of quarterly use of AAP curriculum (e.g. Jacob's Ladder, DBQs, William & Mary units, Mentoring Mathematical Minds, Jason Learning, etc.)

Subject Specific Advanced Differentiation:  Increased frequency and intensity of AAP curriculum/strategies in a specific content area (e.g. advanced mathematics)

Part-Time AAP:  Increased frequency of AAP curriculum/strategies in multiple content areas on a part-time basis.  Might be delivered as a push-in model with cluster grouping or might be a pull-out program.  

Full-Time AAP:  Students are cluster grouped with academic peer group and receive full-time AAP in all four content areas.  Teachers use an Interdisciplinary Planning and Pacing Guide that supports using AAP curriculum units in each quarter of the year.