Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When and where do you meet?

A. We meet on the second, third, and fourth Monday of each month between September and May. Meetings begin at 7:30 PM at the King City Club House located at 15245 SW 116th Ave., King City, OR 97224.

Q. Does it cost anything to attend the meetings?

A. No. Visitors are always welcome at our meetings to experience our programs, to see what we do, meet our members and share our enthusiasm. To participate in contests you must become a member and pay dues.

Q. Can I compete in the competitions?

A. To participate in competitions you must become a member. Currently the Club membership annual fee for a King City resident is $25/person, $45/family, and $30/person, $50/family for all others.

Q. How many images can I submit?

A. Each member with an active membership may submit a total of three Electronic (EID) images and four prints. See the Competition Information page for more detailed information.

Q. Who decides what images are sent to the 4C's for competition?

A. Images are judged during competition and the top five images are sent to the 4C's to compete against all the other clubs. In the case of a tie, the print or EID Chair decide.