YouTube & SafeShare

Have you found a literature resource that you love on YouTube? There are so many meaningful, fun, and worthwhile resources on YouTube, but I have found that students in my kindergarten class often end up roaming from video to video when they have used YouTube. They also have viewed many ads where I cannot control the content. Then, I found!

SafeShare is a website that allows you to copy and paste a URL from YouTube, and it will create an ad-free, recommended-video-free, version of the same video. You will no longer have to worry about students watching cartoons on YouTube instead of listening and reading along to a story, or viewing an advertisement that is not appropriate.

There are many different ways that I have organized and made these links accessible. One way is by creating a QR code. I then print the QR code, laminate it, and students can scan it using a QR code scanner app on our iPads or Kindle Fires.

Another way would to create a playlist on Symbaloo. The user can copy and paste the SafeShare link onto a Symbaloo tile. Students can then access Symbaloo and click the tile, which will bring them to the video. I have my Symbaloo site set as my homepage on student laptops so students can easily access it.

Symbaloo. This is a webmix of Read Alouds for young children.

Lofton, Kristin. (n.d.). Listen to Reading [website playlist]. Retrieved from

This is a SafeShare video I created. (2016). Symbaloo [website]. Retrieved from (n.d.). [website]. Retrieved from