Pic Collage

App: Pic Collage

Company: Cardinal Blue Software, Inc.

Cost: Free (optional in-app purchases)

Device: Apple or Android tablets or smart devices

SAMR Model: Redefinition

App Map Score: Here

Participatory Literacies Score: Here


Pic Collage is an app where the user can upload photos in a collage or framed layout. Users can apply creative touches with backgrounds, text, stickers, and format/layout. Teachers could create a layout allowing students to take pictures that relate to the layout. See an example at the bottom of this page.


Pic Collage allows for differentiation because teachers can assign certain criteria for students to take and upload photos for their collage. Students who, for example, are working on letter names, may be assigned to take pictures of letters that begin with N. Students who are working on digraphs may be asked to take photos of words with /sh/. This is a way for students of different levels of learning, abilities, and learning interests to apply their knowledge in a creative, real-world way.


Pic Collage helps support comprehension as students are able to directly apply their knowledge to the collage they are creating. Students could use Pic Collage to create a beginning, middle, and end picture series. They could apply comprehension by creating a collage of how different characters feel in The Three Little Pigs. Students could re-create the cover of a book or their favorite part of a story. They could re-create a significant event they read about in a nonfiction text.

Possible Downfalls

This app may take a bit to get used to with the different functions. This can be helped through guided practice and written or picture directions. Teachers can upload their own layout template and avoid confusion of pre-loading the template prior to student use.

feelings template.pdf

These templates were created by me, Ellen Isaacs.

pic collage directions1.pdf

Cardinal Blue Software, Inc. (2017a). Pic collage (7.15.14) [Web application software]. Retrieved from https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pic-collage-photo-editor/id448639966?mt=8

Cardinal Blue Software, Inc. (2017b). Pic collage (7.15.14) [Web application software]. Retrieved from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cardinalblue.piccollage.google&hl=en