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great resources for the whole family!


Watch this video to learn about some kids who went the extra mile to be Extraordinary!

EOK Sizzle Reel.mp4
Did you Know.pdf

How to talk to your kids about the
Kids Heart Challenge


The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that families create a summer safety plan that prioritizes water safety and emergency preparedness. Here are some tips for keeping kids safe in the summer:

Water safety

Teach children to swim and ensure they wear life jackets when boating. Also, talk about risky behaviors like diving or swimming in unfamiliar water, and avoid leaving pool toys out where children can play unsupervised. If you have a pool, install fencing with self-closing gates that are at least 4 feet high to separate it from your house and yard.


Ensure that everyone in your family is trained in CPR, including Hands-Only CPR.

Sun safety

Protect children from the sun with sunglasses, a hat or visor, and sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sun intensity is strongest between 10 AM and 4 PM, but ultraviolet light can also penetrate clouds on overcast days. Some medications can also increase sun sensitivity.

Heat safety

Avoid exercising outside in the early afternoon when it's usually hottest, and drink water before, during, and after physical activity. Dress in lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting, moisture-wicking clothing. 

Social Media - Post Ideas and Examples

Customize, copy and paste these messages into your social media platforms during your childs KHC campaign!

Week ONE - TEXT: "STUDENT NAME" is participating in Kid’s Heart Challenge along with her school, "_NAME_" Elementary. SHE/HE is learning new ways to be healthier and is raising awareness and funds. Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of all Americans, but it is 80% preventable. Your life-saving donation helps fund research and hope for longer, healthier lives!

Click here to donate: "Insert Student donation page link"

PICTURE/VIDEO IDEA: Shoot a quick video of your student telling why they think helping others and getting healthy is important. Here is an example from Ava.

Week TWO - TEXT: A big thank you to all who have donated towards helping "STUDENT NAME" reach their goal of raising $500 for the American Heart Association to fight heart disease. We are grateful to you: "LIST/TAG DONORS".   More than 70% of out of hospital Cardiac Arrests happen at home.  If performed immediately, hands only CPR can double or triple the chance of survival.  "STUDENT NAME" is learning about hands-only CPR through Kids Heart Challenge, and we hope we never need to use it, but if we do, we are ready.

Click here to donate and help make a difference: "Student donation page link"

PICTURE/VIDEO IDEA: Shoot a quick video of your student sharing about any family or friends that might be affected by heart disease. Here is an example from Liliam.

Week THREE - TEXT: Every 40 seconds, an American dies from a stroke. "STUDENT NAME"is learning how to recognize and react to a stroke FAST … because when it comes to stroke every minute matters.  As of now, "$XXX" has been raised in life-saving funds, can you help him/her reach the goal of "$XXX"? Every dollar raised represents future medical advancements and is so appreciated!

Click here to donate and spread hope:  "Insert Student donation page link"

PICTURE/VIDEO IDEA: Shoot a quick video of your student sharing their favorite health tip. (Here is an inspiring example from Alli.)

Week FOUR - TEXT: Kids Heart Challenge is almost over! "STUDENT NAME" has learned so much and feels so proud to be a part of this mission to help others with sick hearts.  26 million Americans have diabetes – that’s nearly the population of Texas. With your support, the American Heart Association can provide support to doctors and their diabetic patients with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.  Thank you again to all those who have donated. There is still time to give and help her/him reach the goal. If we get there, "XXX will XXX!!!! (example: student will run/walk 5 miles, dad will get pied in the face, mom will get slimed, etc)

Click here to donate and be a lifesaver: " "Insert Student donation page link"

PICTURE/VIDEO IDEA: Shoot a quick video of your student announcing what will happen if they hit their fundraising goal.  Make it fun! Here is one example from Gael and another.

Week FIVE - TEXT: We can’t thank those who donated enough for all your support! Not only did "STUDENT NAME" raise "$XXX" in lifesaving fund for the AHA but he/she learned so many different ways to take care of his/her heart, body and brain like getting enough sleep and staying away from tobacco & vaping. Your support will help so many have longer and healthier lives! "List/Tag your donors."

Click here to be a heart hero: "Insert Student donation page link"

PICTURE/VIDEO IDEA: Shoot a quick video of your student saying thank you.  Include a story of a heart hero survivor that they are helping. So many ideas to choose from here.


What's in your kid's lunch?

Click here for the key parts of a healthy lunch and their benefits!

Looking for healthy lunch inspiration your kids will actually eat?

Pack the flavor with these lunch tips from the American Heart Association:

 1) When kids help pack their lunch, they’re more likely to eat that lunch!

2) Try packing a fun dunkable, such as apples or carrots, with dippers, such as yogurt, nut butter, or salsa

3) Pack their favorite leftovers from family dinner. Use a thermos to keep foods at a safe temperature.

Life's essential 8 - for kids!

We all want our kids to grow up healthy and happy. Life’s Essential 8 are the key measures for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health. Supporting good heart and brain health early helps lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems later in life. 

LE8 for kids - control cholesterol infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - manage blood sugar infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - manage BP infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - eat better infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - healthy weight infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - healthy sleep infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - more active infographic.pdf
LE8 for kids - safe from tobacco infographic.pdf
Move More!
A good starting goal is at least 150 minutes a week, but if you don't want to sweat the numbers, just move more! Find forms of exercise you like and will stick with, and build more opportunities to be active in your routine.

Download our Move More Toolkit!

Being physically active has health benefits no matter what age you are. It’s especially important to help kids grow into healthy adults. The American Heart Association recommends at least 60 minutes of activity every day. Try these tips to incorporate activity into your family’s routine.
It all adds up!

1.      🚴‍♀️Schedule family playtime, such as a game of tag or bike ride, after dinner each night.

2.     🪁 Choose toys that encourage movement, such as balls, kites, skateboards and jump rope.

3.     🌱 Plant a garden. Caring for plants gives your children a reason to get outside each day.

4.     🍂 Chip in with chores. Do home-maintenance projects as a family, such as raking leaves or watering plants.