AHA legacy
and Impact

For 100 years, the American Heart Association has saved and improved lives, pioneered scientific discovery, and advocated for healthy public policies in communities across the country. 

These bold moves have helped transform our nation’s health and significantly reduce heart disease and stroke death rates.

However, those gains have not been shared equitably. Black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian and LGBTQ people have suffered and died disproportionately. So have people in under-resourced communities all over the country. These longtime disparities were magnified, and even worsened, by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With overall death rates actually rising in recent years, we face a global health crisis that threatens us all. But the American Heart Association stands ready. Success over a century has prepared us for this moment. With Bold Hearts™ – and powered by millions of supporters and volunteers – we forge ahead into our Second Century of lifesaving work.

We pledge to work relentlessly to eliminate heart disease and stroke and to ensure equitable health in every community across the country. We’re transforming the health journey to ensure all people have the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives.

Click here to read the full history of the American Heart Association

The IMpact of our Sceince

Notable Achievements Thanks to AHA Funded Research