KHC Extraordinary Kids Schools have been selected to pilot a new initiative this '23-'24 school year. 

 Students who raise $500+ at these select schools will have their name on their very own EXTRAORDINARY KID sign outside of their school!  This sign will be theirs to take home and we encourage the families to proudly display in their yard!

Do you need some fresh ideas on how to reach more people to have your extraordinary kid reach their goal? Click here to see how other students got creative to help fight heart disease and make an even bigger impact.

Don’t forget to complete Finn’s Mission and learn to be a lifesaver by learning about Hands-Only CPR and the warning Signs of Stroke.  Who is Finn?  Finn is an 8-year-old survivor that has had over 18 heart surgeries and procedures and has made it his mission to help the American Heart Association and Extraordinary Kids like yours! 

Click here to learn more about kids in your area with special hearts that thank you for your support.

Thank you again for being a Heart Hero. 

We can’t do our “heart” work without you!

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