Mammalian cell-kinetics identification

Why modeling cell-kinetics?

The industrial production of monoclonal antibodies (which is used in several therapeutic treatment for, e.g., Crohn's disease) is realized by cultivating CHO cells in a bioreactor with monitored temperature and oxygen level. The cells are fed with a feed medium containing nutrients (sugars, amino-acids). Due to high exploitation cost of bioreactors, we seek to reduce this cost by maximizing the concentration of produced monoclonal antibodies by the cells.

The approach considered in the project AdBIOPRO is a model-based optimization. Among all the features to be modeled telated to bioreactors, the rates of the chemical reactions (kinetics) involved in the cells are important as they determine the quantity of produced monoclonal antibodies.

Related project: AdBIOPRO

Related conference papers

  • Kévin Colin, Håkan Hjalmarsson, Véronique Chotteau. Gaussian process modeling of macroscopic kinetics a better tailored kernel for Monod type kinetics. Presented at 10th international conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria. Published on IFACPapersOnLine, vol. 55, issue 20, pp 397-402. 2022