Keunsu Kim

I (Keunsu Kim, キム・グンス) am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics for Industry at Kyushu University. My Ph.D. advisor was Jae-Hun Jung. In 2009, I notice the fun of mathematics when I studied the factorization of polynomials. Since then I have confidence for me and decide to be a mathematician. When I was an undergraduate student, I took Quantum Mechanics class. I was impressed the formalism of 'state' and 'observable' using by linear algebra. In particular I was impressed the relation between Berry’s phase and given topology of space. I discussed this relation with graduate student who major in particle physics. I applied to graduate school of POSTECH because I wanted to major in mathematical physics, and there was IBS-CGP (Center for Geometry and Physics). After qualifying exam, I had studied symplectic geometry for nearly two years, but I changed my major to Topological Data Analysis (TDA). I felt symplectic geometry is very abstract and fanciful, TDA can do both geometry and application. I like the professor Hwang’s motto that is 'It is the most fundamental theories that translate into the best applications.’  

My Life was  나의 생애는

going around all shortcut 모든 지름길을 돌아서

a roundabout way that was only going to you 네게로 난 단 하나의 에움길이었다 -나희덕, 푸른 밤


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Education and Employment


Main : Topological time-series analysis

Interests(Non Academic)

My pens : Parker Sonnet Essential fountain pen (incumbent)

Parker Jotter fountain pen (Nov, 2021 ~ Aug, 2022), Parker 51 ballpoint pen

Reading Korean novels

Favorite novelist : 黃順元

Recent impressive books : 나무들 비탈에 서다, 카인의 後裔, 日月, 神들의 주사위 .


Chinese character



Second term(The 2022 school year) was approved by a vote. Voters : 54, Participants : 28(51.85%), approval : 27(96.43%), disapproval : 0(0.00%), abstained : 1(3.57%).

Honors / Awards

Last Update : January 21, 2025