Paper & talks

(With Jae-Hun Jung)  Filtration learning in Exact Multi-parameter Persistent Homology and classification of time-series data (arXiv)

Philosophy: Just as writing a good text requires continuous revision, finding an optimized filtration also requires the same effort.

2. (with Hanbaek Lyu, Jinsu Kim and Jae-Hun Jung) Supervised low-rank semi-nonnegative matrix factorization with frequency regularization for forcasting spatio-temporal data (arXiv, Journal) - Journal of Scientific Computing 

Philosophy : To divide each of the difficulties under examination into as many parts as possible, and as might be necessary for its adequate solution. - René Descartes

Related talks :

1. (with Jae-Hun Jung) Exact multi-parameter persistent homology of time-series data: Fast and variable one-dimensional reduction of multi-parameter persistence theory (arXiv, slide, video) - submitted

Philosophy : Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. - Henri Poincaré

Related talks : 

AATRN - Seminar 

ICIAM 2023 Tokyo – The 10th ICIAM in Tokyo, Japan, 20-25 Aug. 2023.

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