Work Design

Through my coursework and work experiences, I've learned how to design jobs so that they are safe and compatible with human psychology. I've also learned how to navigate team and leadership dynamics for best outcomes.

This section showcases my skills and projects in organizational development, change management, occupational health and safety, and groups and teams.

Organizational Development

Organizational Assessment Consulting

Along with a team of colleagues, we were tasked with conducting a comprehensive assessment of an organization's current state utilizing process consultation methods to identify core strengths and areas of opportunity to solve complex business problems and improve overall organizational functioning. We developed and executed multiple data gathering methods including structured interviews, observation forms, anaylzing procedures, and statistical analyses to assess facets of the organization's culture, people, processes, and outcomes. In this report, we synthesized our findings and provided recommendations and key deliverables for the organization to capitalize on the identified strengths and address areas of opportunity to positively impact the bottom line.

AnglinOberkirchWaltonYork Final Report.pdf

Occupational Health and Safety

KW TAP.pdf

Translational Action Plan

Checking in on Our Nurses: Interventions for Addressing Grief After Losing a Patient

I analyzed the occupational health and well-being of nurses regarding the grief that they endure when losing a patient. Utilizing the current research of worker health in this topic, I provided an overview of the practical reasons that healthcare organizations should consider regarding this topic and provided actionable, evidence-based recommendations for organizations that wish to improve the well-being of their nurses in the current work environment.

Healthy Workplace Assessment

Healthy Workplace Assessment Final Report.pdf

Organizational Analysis Report

Along with a team of colleagues, we were tasked with analyzing a large distribution organization for their feasibility to earn The Global Healthy Workplace award. We evaluated the organization based on the following criteria: (1) the physical work environment, (2) the psychosocial work environment, (3) access to personal health resources and well-being, and (4) enterprise community involvement. All information utilized for this project are from publicly available sources.

AF AM KW Healthy Workplace-Grainger (1).pdf

Presentation of Findings

Here, we presented our findings of the healthy workplace assessment and our determination of the feasibility of this organization being a candidate for the award. We present the strengths and weaknesses found in each award criteria and provide recommendations on how the organization should proceed to increase their likelihood of winning the award in the future.

Groups and Teams

Evaluating & Rewarding Teams.pdf

Team Dynamics Infographic

Effective Strategies for Evaluating and Rewarding Teams

After completing an informational overview presentation of current research on effectively evaluating and rewarding teams, I created a one-page infographic of best practices for the audience to utilize and use as a future resources. This allowed us to drive home key messages for audience recall. Here, we outline the different kinds of team evaluations, reward systems, and included information on when certain rewards are appropriate and examples of each.

Team Dynamics Investigation & Intervention

Report, Team Intervention - EmmertGurnaniPaulsonWalton.pdf

Report of Investigation Methodology, Findings, and Recommendations

Along with a group of colleagues, we were tasked with analyzing the team dynamics of the Walker Center at UTC, which is a team that is essential to the learning and development of course technology utilized by professors at the institution. Using a mixed methods approach, we analyzed the team's dynamics based on the dimensions of team purpose and goals, roles, team processes, relationships, problem solving, and leadership. We determined the strengths and areas of opportunity for growth of the team and provided actionable, evidence-based recommendations to leadership.

EmmertGurnaniPaulsonWalton Team Intervention Project (1).pdf

Presentation of Findings

This presentation was given to the Walker Center team and key stakeholders to discuss our evaluation of strengths and areas of opportunity regarding team dynamics. We provided recommendations that are easy to implement at a very low cost to help guide the team's cohesiveness and clarity of roles and responsibilities.

Popular Press Brief Groupthink.pptx

Popular Press Brief on Team Dynamics and Groupthink

I was tasked to present a key topic or critical issue in team dynamics and present a case study example of that topic in popular media. I discussed the themes of groupthink in the film Mean Girls, which engaged the targeted audience as a relevant and easily recognized example. I presented the examples of key signs of groupthink and presented ideas and examples of how real-life teams can prevent groupthink.

Teams in 10 Brief

A colleague and I presented a 10-minute brief on current research on rewarding and evaluating teams. Here, I showcase the ability to take complicated research on team dynamics and present the information in easy, digestible, and using common language to present to stakeholders. We describe the different types of teams and methods and examples of rewards that are appropriate to encourage teamwork and individual contributions. We also present an activity facilitation to encourage discussion on topics presented.

Teams in 10 Week 11.pdf