Talent Management

A major focus of I-O psychology is strategically recruiting, selecting, training, evaluating, compensating, and managing talent.


Distance Learning Paper.pdf

Asynchronous Safety Training Program Development

I created an asynchronous, distance safety training for incoming Uber drivers. This process integrated the psychology of learning literature, including adult learning theory and Kirkpatrick's (1976) training evaluation model with real business practices, such as a training needs assessment. 

Training Seminar

I led an interactive seminar on learning and training transfer with some colleagues. This shows not only my training development and communications skills, but also my ability to take large amounts of training material and create an engaging and easily understandable training program.

FINAL Learning-HR Group Presentation (2).pdf

Selection & Job/Task/Work Analysis

Job Analysis & Job Description Update

Job Analysis Final Project.pdf

Technical Report

With a group of colleagues, we were tasked to provide a job description update for a local, large auto manufacturing plant. A thorough job analysis was conducted, utilizing structured interviews of job incumbents and the critical incidents technique to perform a new, comprehensive job description to better describe the job's new responsibilities. The name of the organization and other identifying information were removed from the report for confidentiality.

Selection Job Analysis Slides.pdf

Presentation of Method and Findings

Here, we presented our job analysis method to perform the job description update, including describing the changes that were made to the JD and why they were necessary. We provided suggestions to ensure accessible and inclusive language in the update to gain more applicants to the position in the future.

Final Facilitation Presentation KWMG.pdf

Common Issues in Selection - Presentation of Research

A colleague and I presented the current research, best practices, and common challenges faced in selection. These topics included AI in selection, application forms and biodata, training and experience (T&E)  evaluations, reference checks, and potential gender effects found in references. We present legal implications for each method and facilitate activities for class discussion.

Performance Management

Performance Management Consulting

Final Report - Folk, Happe, Hulsing, Walton.pdf

Consulting Technical Report

With a group of colleagues, we were tasked with performing a case study in which we received data from an unidentified organization implementing a new strategic plan. Our job was to design and organize a consulting report to describe the new performance management system that the organization should implement based on their new strategic plan and facing business issues for sustained success.

Performance Management Consulting_ UrbanRetail.pdf

Pitch Presentation

I am able to condense large reports into key information for stakeholders to pitch business recommendations. Here, we presented our recommendation for an update performance management system to align with a company's strategic plan, address specific organizational obstacles, and increase overall employee satisfaction with the system. We presented key information, findings, and a potential Gantt chart for project implementation.

WaltonHulsing White Paper.pdf

White Paper

Evaluating the Effects of Gender in Performance Appraisals

In this Harvard Business Review style white paper, the effects of gender in performance appraisals are examined. Current research on gender effects, implicit rater bias, and the effects of leadership norms and societal roles are explored. Recommendations are given for organizations to combat these gender effects including utilizing behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), multisource feedback, and providing frame-of-reference training for performance raters.

Class Discussion and Activity Facilitation

A colleague and I facilitated class discussion and activities regarding the topic of measuring results and behaviors through performance management. We discussed the current research on different methods of rating employees, including pros and cons and best practices. We further delved into the topic of forced distribution ranking systems to discuss case studies and discuss the pros, cons, and effects to the overall organization and retaining key employees.

PM Class Facilitation.pptx