Professional Practice

In terms of professional practice, my coursework and work experiences have equipped me with technical and communication skills. I am well versed in research methods and data analysis, allowing me to gather data and provide takeaways, and also to delve into current research and stay up to date with best organizational practices. Communication is a necessity of an I-O professional. Throughout my time at UTC, I've gained valuable experience presenting in front of an audience. I've developed the ability to translate scientific findings into layperson terms to improve organizations and navigate issues of workplace diversity with the necessary sensitivity and knowledge.

This section showcases my skills and projects in research methods, statistical models and data analysis, and professional skills.

Research Methods

Resource Print-Out.docx

Data Gathering Resource Guide

Some colleagues and I facilitated an organizational development activity and discussion on data gathering methods to use in organizational assessment and consulting. We focused the facilitation on the importance of gathering comprehensive data to assess many different facets of the organization to find the core underlying issues of organizations in which to base change initiatives. Here, we provided a resource guide for the students in the activity to use for future organizational assessments to serve as templates, guides, examples, and best practices of different data gathering methods.

Statistical Methods/Data Analysis

Exploring the Drivers of Employee Satisfaction with People Analytics

Report - PA Project 2 Folk, Gurnani, Walton.pdf

Technical Report

Utilizing the program R and people analytics principles, a group of colleagues and I conducted statistical analyses on a real dataset. We began with unclean data and developed a research question: what drives satisfaction in these employees? We analyzed the data to search for differences in satisfaction among demographic groups, performance levels, and reported engagement levels. Based on our findings, we offered recommendations for this organization to increase employee satisfaction.

PDF PA Project 2 Folk, Gurnani, Walton.pdf

Presentation of Findings

From the report, we showcased our ability to condense results from statistical analyses to clear, concise, and easily understandable information to present to stakeholders. We provide the statistical method, key findings, and evidence-based recommendations for the organization to capitalize on group differences to increase overall workforce satisfaction.

PA Project 1 Final Report.pdf

Understanding the Influence of Psychosocial Predictors on Life Satisfaction with People Analytics

Utilizing the program R, a group of colleagues and I conducted statistical analyses on results from the HRS Psychosocial and Lifestyle Questionnaire. We analyzed variables including loneliness, purpose in life, chronic work discrimination, positive affect, agreeableness, extraversion, perceived constraints and perceived control over work in relation to overall life satisfaction utilizing multiple regressions. The method of data cleaning and analysis and findings are given to guide our evidence-based recommendations for this organization to increase overall life satisfaction.

Perfectionism and Relationships

Stats Final Report.pdf

Technical Report

With a raw data set from a survey about perfectionism and relationships, I performed statistical analyses to measure differences between groups and correlations between variables and reported my findings into this easily digestible report.

Stats Final Presentation.mp4

Presentation of Findings

I have strong skills in communicating research findings from statistical analyses in a way that is easily digestible for many audiences. Here is the video presentation that I created to communicate my findings from the above report.

Scale Development

Newcomer Engagement Scale

A colleague and I developed a scale to assess newcomer engagement for organizations to assess whether new employees feel properly socialized, dedicated, and involved at work. We utilized the best practices in item writing and piloted our scale. With the results of the pilot, we performed an exploratory factor analysis to determine the validity and reliability of our scale and the dimensions encompassed in the scale items.

Scale Development Final Report.pdf

Professional Skills

PA Topic Presentation.pptx

Uses of People Analytics in Workforce Planning

I am able to present current information from research findings and connect this information to activities and discussion. In this presentation, I walked the audience through the steps of the IMPACT cycle of workforce planning analytics. I discussed each step of the cycle and how it helps us solve key business problems in our workforce. After describing how each step is used, I presented a case study on how hospitals find solutions to retaining nurses based on trends in their typical employee lifecycles using workforce planning analytics.

Occupational Health Event Review

I have strong skills in applying occupational health psychology themes to current workplace events. In this presentation, I explain the importance of the issue of the risks of eating disorders in military personnel, underlying psychological themes, and my recommendations on how to mitigate these risks to contribute to a healthy environment for military personnel.

Walton Health Event Review.pdf
Visualization PDF.pdf

Data Visualization

I am able to analyze raw data and turn my findings into professional visualizations using Power BI to easily display my findings. Here, I analyzed data from a survey regarding business departments' utilization of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Organizational Psychology Research Update

I am able to interpret current psychological research relevant to the workplace and communicate their findings effectively. I presented the findings of a research article about the effect of growth mindsets on employee performance.

Walton Research Update.pdf
Stakeholder Pitch Slides.pdf

Stakeholder Pitch

Some colleagues and I created a scenario to deliver a mock-stakeholder pitch. All of the information in this presentation was either gathered from sources that are available to the public or were hypothetical scenarios.

Business Pitch

I created a pitch for the use of different Amazon Web Services programs to help HydroFlask's business processes. All of the information in this presentation was gathered from sources that are available to the public.

AWS Pitch.pdf