Psychology of Work

An I-O psychology degree allows me to apply psychological theories to the workplace to improve organizational performance. With a firm understanding the history and context of I-O psychology, the discoveries of the field related to work motivation, human performance, and organizational theory, I can make practical and effective recommendations to address business needs.

Human Performance, Organization Theory & Work Motivation

Walton White Paper.pdf

White Paper

Supporting the Work-Life Balance of Employed Mothers in the Age of Telework

This white paper addresses the difficulty that working mothers have in maintaining work-life balance, especially in the age of telework. I give recommendations for organizations to best support working mothers and their use of family-friendly benefits to allow for better work-life balance.

Organizational Consulting

Our UTC I-O cohort had the opportunity to work with Childkind, a nonprofit organization that serves foster children with severe medical and developmental issues. We helped guide Childkind in understanding how to navigate their transition into remote work. My contribution to the consulting report was my recommendations to help Childkind manage its performance requirements for future granting agencies through an understanding of human performance and motivation.

Childkind report.pdf