Helpful Info


The HOA needs to maintain a current listing of all homeowners. If you are a new homeowner and haven't done so, please e-mail with your name and address so we can update your information.


Dues are $95 per year paid annually by April 1st. You will recieve an invoice in March with instructions.

Hoa meetings

The KCHOA meets semi-annually in late April and September.

HOA Activities

- Food Truck

- Easter Activity

-Annual Sub Garage Sale (May/June)

-Family Beach Party (July/August)

-Halloween Party

Mandatory Watering Restrictions per Orion Township

From the beginning of May until the end of September of each year, a mandatory watering restriction has been adopted for everyone who is connected to Orion Township water and has an automatic sprinkling system.

The following mandatory watering restrictions shall apply:

Monday through Saturday: Watering may only be done between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m.

Sunday: Watering may be done at any time.

Watering of any kind may not be done during the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday.  If the restrictions for Monday through Saturday are not followed, then your water service could be discontinued.

If you are connected to Orion Township water, and do not have an automatic sprinkling system, meaning you water your lawn from a hose, please water your lawn between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

home improvements

New construction or alterations to any structure requires the approval of the board/architectural committee. Please fill out the required form and submit it to the KCHA Board for review before making any changes to the structure or landscape of your home/yard. Make sure you check the KCHA Deed Restrictions, Bylaws and Architectural guidelines (click here for these documents).

Deed Restrictions /Bylaws

If you did not recieve a copy from the previous owner, click here to view and print a copy. Please familiarize yourself with these documents.


Please have your dogs and pets under full control and contained in your own yards (Orion Township has an ordinance about dogs running loose in neighborhoods).

trash haulers

See the 'Garbage & Recycling' tab located at the top of this page for more information.

GFL is the single hauler for Lake Orion & our pick up day is Tuesdays


Search for: 

Keatington Cedars 1 or click here

3 Subs Unite ... Keatington Cedars 1&2/Scripps On The Lake or click here 

This group is a valuable resource for things going on around our neighborhood and a good way to stay in contact with your neighbors


Nextdoor is a private social network just for Keatington neighbors. On Nextdoor, neighbors share crime and safety concerns, local events, recommendations, items for sale/free, ideas about how to make our neighborhood better, and more. To join, go to: and use code: NMZLXH

Beach Access

Each house is assigned two Beach Access Cards that permitts access to the Keatington Beach (located off of Joslyn Court behind Canturberry Village). See the 'Beach Info' tab located at the top of this page for more information about hours, directions and more.

Free Little Library

Stop by 2956 & 2967 Cedar Key Dr and visit our two Free Little Libraries! Take a book, leave a book, or both. :) 

Sheriff Department Non-emergency

Fire Department Non-emergency