The sBITX follows the single band BITX transceivers and multiband uBITX transceivers in the HF Signals line. It is a portable SDR HF transceiver with self contained Raspberry Pi 4 computer and 7" touch screen display  designed by Ashar Farhan (VU2ESE) and sold through H F Signals Support is through the very active group at Hardware and software are open source.

The transceiver covers the 80 to 10 meter bands with CW, SSB and digital modes.  Power is about 40 watts out on  40 meters but decreasing on higher bands. The hardware features silent diode switched QSK and a battery backed real time clock.  Having a local computer built in allows fldigi , WSJT-X, a logging program and a keyer with macros. Since you have full access to the Pi you are free to use WSJT variants. With the Pi wifi you can  monitor POTA or other spots and generally do anything a Pi can. The limitation is the 7" display size, although you can attach an external monitor. 

The DE (developer edition) was introduced in 2022 and version V2 in 2023. Following HF Signals long tradition the transceiver is pretty rough at introduction and then successively refined by Farhan and the active user community. 

sBITX with 3D printed stand I designed and printed.

Spectrum and waterfall on top right. Controls on the left. Log and keyboard lower right.

Everything is controlled bt the touch screen and the two encoders.

You can see the built in mic top left and a speaker in the top.

Operating with a wireless mouse and keyboard using a USB dongle plugged into the Pi.

Side view with connections.