Field Day 2009 Results

GARC Field Day 2009 is now history. The honor of WA8UXP was again upheld. Bob and Dennis set up the antenna on Friday night. The giant slingshot was used to launch ropes into trees for the antenna ends and across the tops of trees along the path for a G5RV. The G5RV center was up about 55' and the ends were at 70' and 40'. Bob and Dennis set up Saturday with help from Bill Prince and exmember Lewis Roberts (also a SSYC member. After some initial chaos we set up inside the club house using Bob's Elecraft K3 powered by Dennis's new Honda 2000EU generator. Bob and Dennis operated Saturday and Saturday night. Deb Conklin provided dinner on Saturday night. Dale arrived Sunday morning, with a hot breakfast and some much appreciated help. Bob's wife Margot Eiseman brought out lunch on Sunday.

Rain threatened with a few showers Sunday morning but then cleared up by afternoon. Other than a few short bio breaks we operated 24 hours.



CW 285

PSK 12


SSB 201


SCORE - 1598


TOTAL 1898

Thanks to everyone who participated.

South Shore Yacht Club

Boat people

G5RV up in the air

Dennis provided his new Honda 2000EU generator to power the station.

Dennis racking up SSB points in the middle of the night

Dale operating on Sunday morning

Bob at the K3

Bob and Bill

Bill showing FD spirit