


The Straight Key Century Club - a/k/a SKCC is the fastest growing group of straight key, morse code operators in the world. First organized in January of 2006 our membership has rapidly grown to include thousands of members from all corners of the globe.


There is only one requirement to join FISTS:

A love of Morse code and a concern for its perpetuation


cc #2025

Polar Bear

Portable QRP operation during the winter months (late fall to early spring) during the weekend closest to the Full Moon, what we call Polar Bear Moonlight Madness, is our group in a nutshell. Anyone can be a member of this group without having a Polar Bear number. If you would like to participate in our activities such as Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Events and would like a Polar Bear Number to identify your white fur status please contact NK8Q or WB3AAL. Issuing of a Polar Bear Number requires that you either have previously been or are now active within the spirit of the objectives of PBMME, oh, and to have fun!

PB #57

Yahoo group


PCARS is a great club that is very active and encourages operating and fellowship. They organize both the annual Ohio State Parks On the Air and the Freeze Your Acorns Off events.

Goodyear Amateur Radio Club

Sadly GARC is no more

Serving hams and the community of Akron since 1965. Club shack on the top floor of Goodyear hall.

Club call: WA8UXP


GARC 17th national - first in Great Lakes Region for Field Day 2008 in class 1D

GARC wins 2008 OSPOTA Park Activation Award.