Dayton 2009 Hamvention

Highlights from Dayton

DX Engineering had their new HEX beam on display. They claim to be shipping today. The center hub is a very heavy duty casting available for $99. A kit for a 5 band HEXbeam with first rate materials (stainless steel, wire strain reliefs, premade feed harness, ...) is $599. This may put Traffie, HexKit and others out of business.

DX is also selling a package with their 43 ft aluminum tube vertical with a balun and a remote tuner at the base.

They had demo products, flyers and a new catalog with the new items but I see that as of May 19 their web has not been updated.

Superantennas had there very slick portable verticals, 5 band dipole and 5 band 3 element yagi on display and for sale. The design and workmanship are first rate. I bought a dipole that came in a reinforced nylon bag with all couplers, a laminated directions card and even a tape measure. They also had a cute little 12 volt rotator on display turning their yagi that they intend to release this Fall, just the ticket for VHF roving or OSPOTA.

MACTenna antennas was displaying modules for wire antennas and yagis based on the microcontroller and remotely controlled relays that appeared in QST a few months ago.

American Mores Equipment has a slick "Quickmount" kit for their porta paddles. This new bottom with multiple sets of "not velcro" strips allows you to attach the paddle to a base, leg strap or whatever. Comes with 3 sets of adhesive strips. I bought one for my DCP.

FlexRadio had examples of the new Flex 3000 on display and a mock up of the Flex 1500 QRP. The 3000 is the size of a closed notebook computer, includes an autotuner and sells for $1599. The 1500 is the size of a brick and is scheduled to be delivered this Fall for $579.

Array Solutions is now selling Tokyo High Power and ACOM amplifiers and other gear. I finally bought a K9AY low band directional receiving antenna switch box from them.

Elecraft had a new 2m transverter and a wattmeter on display.

The one that got away - a flea market vender was selling surplus military 2 kw HF autotuners in what appeared to be an atomic bomb proof case for $150. I hesitated because of the lack of a manual, the weird connectors and that I had neglected to bring a fork lift to carry something like that around - when I came back later they had all disappeared.