
Organization and Team Names

The overall organization name for our team has changed names several time. So has the names of our robot teams. Below is a history of names associated with our organization.

Years 2005-2007 - Robotic Anomaly (Organization and FRC team 1553 and FTC team 208 name)

Years 2008-2009 - Demon Robotics (Organization and FRC team 1553 and FTC team 208 name)

Years 2010-2012 - KC Revolutionists Robotics Team (Organization and FRC team 1553 and FTC team 208 name)

Years 2013-2019 - KC Robotics Team (Organization and FRC team 1553 and FTC team 208 name)

Years 2019-2020:

Years 2020-2021:

Teams 1553 and 208 kept their name but 17621 changed their name in 2020 to Sea Dawgs.

Year 2022:

Teams 1553 and 17621 kept their name but 208 changed their name to Runic Robotics.

Robot Programs

Our FIRST Robotics Competition team started in the 2004-2005 school year. Our team number is 1553. The team's name is KC Robotics Team. The FRC program is for students in the 9th through 12th grade.

During the first few years of our program we competed in the FIRST Robotics Competition as well as the VEX Robotics competition.

Starting with the 2006-2007 school year, we stopped with the Vex Robotics program and switched to the FIRST Tech Challenge program, with the creation of team 208, also called the KC Robotics Team. The FTC program is for students in the 7th through 12th grades.

Initially students in our program were just high school students. That changed as we started recruiting middle school students to be on our FTC team. Eventually we had mostly middle school students on the FTC team.

In the 2019-2020 school year the number of middle school students participating in our program continued to grow. So we created a second FTC team, team 17621.

At that time we decided to rename our teams so each could begin to create their own identify. Our FRC team kept the name KC Robotics Team. FTC team 208 became The Highlighters. FTC team 17621 became Robo-Rebellion.

For the 2020-2021 season, we chose to not participate in the FRC program due to changes implemented due to COVID-19 restrictions. We did choose to continue participation in the FTC programs as the COVID-19 restrictions seemed manageable for that program.

Starting with the 2021-2022 season, we chose to not participate in the FRC program due to costs and mentor support. We continue to support two FTC teams.

Tax Exempt Organization

In 2013, our team applied for and was granted federal income tax exempt status as a public charity under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.