Donate / volunteer

Our team is always in need of additional resources. Below are just a few ways that you can donate items or volunteer your time with the team.


We can always use additional adult mentors for our team. Mentors are needed to assist with everything from a technical resource to someone who can assist with helping to keep students focused on work activities and planning events. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please send an email to the team at


The team is always in need of material for things like robot or robot competition field construction. That can be material from local hardware stores and be thing like plywood, 2x4s, Lexan, screws, bolts, etc. The team is always looking to expand our tool inventory and replace worn out or lost tools. We purchase a lot of robot components like motors, wheels, gearboxes, and framing material from companies like AndyMark, REV Robotics, and VEXPro. If you wish to provide a material donation, please send an email to the team at and we will work with you to provide information about specific needs that we have. We will gladly provide you a receipt for your donation.


Of course our team can always use a financial donation. You can do that in several ways.


You can send a check to the team at our Post Office Box. Checks should be made out to the KC Robotics Team and sent to KC Robotics Team, PO Box 421, Lugoff SC, 29078. The team is a 501(c)3 charity. We will gladly provide you a receipt for your donation.

Debit/Credit Card/PayPal

We can accept donations through several online methods including:

If you need to provide a donation through a different online method, please send an email to the team at and we can help you make a donation using a different method.


We even take cash. Contact our team at if you wish to make a cash donation.