
Fall Semester 2020

Flipgrid 1

August 23rd, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we introduced ourselves by giving a description of ourselves, our major, where we are from, who our family is, where they live, what they do for a living, and what our interests are.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information about myself by communicating who I am, what I am studying, who my family is, what their occupations are, and what some of my interests would include.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about myself on an intermediate level giving more descriptive information about myself, my family, and topics that I am interested in. I am comfortable and familiar with topics that include occupations, college majors, familial relations, and hobbies and interests.

Flipgrid 2

August 30th, 2020

I first reviewed a video by my professor and another student detailing what types of documentation they have and usually carry with them, along with what they use it for. They told us a time in their life when they were unable to find some of their documents/identification. Then, I presented information about what I typically carry with me in terms of documents and identification along with a story of when I lost these items.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details and stories of my professor and peers and presented that information back to them. Following that, I gave my own details about the documentation and identification that I carry with me. After that, I told my own story about when I lost my student ID in the summer and how I was able to handle the situation.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about myself describing documents using new vocabulary along with verbs/actions to supplement my descriptions. I was also able to interpret information given to me by my professor and other students with this new vocabulary and come up with an appropriate response given their answers to the prompt.

Flipgrid 3

September 6th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, I first listened to other students describing their day and what suggestions they have as to activities that they would like to do. I then responded to this and described what I did that day and what I would enjoy doing with them.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details of other students describing their day and what activities that they would enjoy doing with others. In turn, I responded to them describing my day, and I made a suggestion as to what activities they might enjoy doing with me.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I was able to present information about myself describing the things that I do on a daily basis and activities I would enjoy. I used new vocabulary that would be appropriate in addressing a friend or acquaintance in a message. I can interpret what others would suggest as an activity and use that information to come up with an appropriate response.

Flipgrid 4

September 13th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we describe in more detail what our daily activities may include, the times of day that we do them, what our activities entail (such as the amount of homework or studying we have to do), along with what we enjoy doing in our free time.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I present a more detailed description of my daily routine and activities while giving more specific details about the times of day that I complete things, how much time I may spend doing something, and around the time of day that I have free time. These details include when I wake up, when I eat, when I have class, when I study, when I do homework, when I get to rest, and when I usually go to bed.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about my routine using times of day and specifically the hours of the day that I do these things. I can give more details than I was able to previously about the sequence of events and activities that describe my daily routine. I was also able to use new vocabulary about the different classes that I have during the semester aside from the basic subjects that I previously would talk about.

Flipgrid 5

September 20th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we first listened to the interests and hobbies of other students and made comparisons between our interests and theirs. We described topics ranging from sports, music, crafts, and other activities we enjoy. We also told others about the types of things we liked to do when we were younger.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details of other students describing their interests and hobbies while making some comparisons to the things that I am currently interested in. I gave more details about what I like to do, when I have free time to do it, and how often I am able to explore my interests more.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I was able to present information about myself describing the things that I like to do now and the things that I did when I was younger. I was able to understand and use new vocabulary with regard to sports, music and other interests along with using my new understanding of how to correctly convey these actions. I was also able to describe interests and hobbies in the past tense.

Flipgrid 6

October 2nd, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we described our family relations including who we have in our family, their nationality, where they were born and grew up, what they do for a living, as well as giving more details about distant relatives and what our families like to do together. We also listened to others describe their families and compared ours to theirs.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details of another student describing their family and compared mine to hers. Then, I presented information about my family, their upbringings, who I am distantly related to, and what we like to do as a family.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I was able to present information about my family giving more detailed descriptions about their nationality, where they born and raised, where they live now, as well as information about family that I am distantly related to using the new vocabulary we learned in this unit. My descriptions were more detailed than I had been able to do prior to this lesson.

Flipgrid 7

October 11th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we first listened to other students giving descriptions of what they use their electronic devices for, how often, and what kinds of devices that they have. We then responded to these students by making comparisons on the same topics along with giving more information about our usage and the devices we own.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details of other students describing the electronics that they use, how often, and the things that they use their devices for. I responded to this information as such and then gave my own details about my phone and laptop and the things that I do in terms of homework and studying along with non-school related things I like to do on the devices.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I was able to present information about my device usage and used new and relevant vocabulary to describe what I have, what I do on the devices, and even some of the issues that I may commonly run into when using the devices. I can understand and respond to the types of comments other students made on this topic and interpret new verbs and actions that relate to the internet, electronics, and technology.

Flipgrid 8

October 19th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we describe the role that the internet and social media plays in our lives. We talk about applications and websites that we use on a daily basis, what purposes that they serve, and how we communicate with others using it.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I present information about the internet, social media, and other platforms that connect us with information and other people on the internet. I described the purposes that the applications/websites serve me on a daily basis along with other information pertaining to how I communicate, shop, and do different activities with this technology.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about applications, social media, and websites that help me with homework, classes, and other activities such as shopping. I was able to use new vocabulary to give these descriptions while supplementing previously learned vocabulary that would relate to the subject. This unit was especially helpful as the internet is a very relevant and important part of our lives.

Flipgrid 9

October 25th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we first listened to our professor and other students describe the places that they live, what furniture they have, where it is located in the rooms, who lives with us, and how we found the place that we live at currently.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details of other students and my professor describing the homes, apartments, and dorms that they currently live in and then compared where I live and what furniture and rooms that I have with what they have. I also gave more details as to what amenities my apartment has, what neighborhood I am in, and the number of floors that is in my building.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I was able to present information about my apartment, where my furniture is in relation to other furniture and the rooms while using new vocabulary pertaining to location. I was also able to compare the kind of furniture that I have and do not have compared to another student. I would have been able to understand this information about another person's living situation without seeing the place for myself, as well.

Flipgrid 10

November 9th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we described the different museums and the rooms of the museums that we visited virtually during class. We gave more descriptive details about the furniture, where it was in relation to other furniture, and the colors and materials of different things in the rooms.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I present information about the virtual museum tour that I went on detailing the different types of rooms that were in the museum, along with a more detailed explanation of what was in the room, the colors, the materials, the size, and the furniture and its location. I also expressed what I liked about the different rooms.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about the museum that I visited using new vocabulary that gave more descriptive information about rooms and furniture. I could talk about where in relation different furniture was, what types of colors and materials were used to decorate the rooms, and why I liked certain rooms in the museum. This unit was helpful in giving me new vocabulary and resources that would help me describe other visits to different places in the future.

Flipgrid 11

November 16th, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we first listened to our professor and other students' descriptions of what they look like and other family members look like. We gave more details about a person's appearance and personality traits, as well.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I listened to the details of other students and my professor describing their appearances and others including hair color, eye color, facial features, body/figure type and personality traits. I then made comparisons between myself in them based on that information that they provided me with. After, I talked about the appearance and traits that members of my family have.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I was able to present information about my own personal appearance and personality traits beyond what I had been able to before. I can give more revealing details about my personality and other people's personalities to give others a better understanding of whom I am talking about. Furthermore, I was able to get a better picture of what someone else may look like if I am only given a verbal description with the new vocabulary that I learned.

Flipgrid 12

November 22nd, 2020

In this Flipgrid, we gave details about our appearance and character, along with a description of the type of person that we would be interested in dating including information on ideal appearances, personalities, and qualities a person should have.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I present information about myself pertaining to my physical appearance, my personality, interests, hobbies, and qualities that I have. Then, I gave more descriptive details about who I would be interested in dating as for looks, qualities, and traits. I describe why this person would be right for me based on the information that I gave.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about myself giving more descriptive information about who I am, what I like to do, what my personality can be described as, and what type of person is compatible with me. I was able to use new vocabulary pertaining to looks and characteristics of a person in order to convey the kind of person that I would be interested in dating. I could also use what we learned in this unit to give others a better idea of what other people are like outside of the dating world, such as describing my friends and family.

Overall Reflection:

With these Flipgrids, I was able to go beyond the more basic descriptions about myself, my life, my family, my daily routines, the things that I own, personal appearance and characteristics of myself and others, and even technology usage. These Flipgrids were supplemental and relevant for when I have different conversations with others in which I could give them better descriptions and accounts about these topics, as well as being able to make comparisons between myself and others.

Spring Semester 2021

Flipgrid 13

January 24th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we discussed our latest visit to a theater, where it was located, who we went with, how we got tickets, where we sat, what the performance was, and what we like about the performance.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I present information about myself pertaining to my last trip to the theater in which I gave other students information about the last time I went to the theater, detailing what show I saw, which theater I went to in Pittsburgh, who I went with, and what happened when I got there. I also explained what I liked about the show.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about my experience at the theater by using some of the new vocabulary and grammar of this unit pertaining to the theater, performing arts, and verbs of motion. I also drew on past units with respect to my preferences and location.

Flipgrid 14

February 1st, 2021

In this Flipgrid, after learning more about Russian music and instruments and drawing on any past knowledge of the matter, we talked about the instruments, genres of music, composers, theaters, and other aspects related to the subject that we know about.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I present information about my knowledge of Russian music, such as the instruments that are popular, genres of music, artists, composers, and theaters that are well-know, as well as other information about concerts and productions. We also listened to other students speaking about the topic and giving us the information that they know about this subject.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication Intercultural Communication

I was able to present information about my knowledge of music with respect to Russian and East European culture, as it pertains to famous people who play a big role in music, as well as what I may know about the kinds of music that Russian-speaking countries like to listen to. I was able to describe all of this information with the new vocabulary of this unit, and utilize the information that we learned about this subject matter from assignments and class lectures.

Flipgrid 15

February 14th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we discussed the topic of travel and vacation as it pertains to each of us, detailing more specifics about when we go, where, with whom, the activities that we usually partake in, and where we want to go and what we wish to do in the future.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about the past vacation that I took with my family, giving information about the place that we went, the activities that we did, what types of vacations we usually choose to go on, and what my future summer plans may entail. I also listened to the responses of the instructor and other students to make some kinds of comparisons between our experiences and preferences.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about our family vacations using some of the new vocabulary and grammar in this unit with respect to vacations and trips in which I was able to be more descriptive in the details of the vacation and what my future plans my be. I also could relay back the information that I got from my instructor and other students where I commented on their preferences and typical trips that they take for vacation.

Flipgrid 16

February 21st, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we further discussed the different states and countries we have been to over the years, giving information about what there is to see in these places, landmarks, our favorite thing that we saw our did while we were there, and how we were able to get there. We also discussed what other places we hope to visit in the future.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about the different states that I have traveled to while including details about how I got there, who I went with, the best things that I did and saw, as well as where else I would like to travel in the future. I also listened to the responses from my instructor and other students about their experiences in which I made comparisons to the places they visited and where they desire to go to in the future.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about the different places that I have traveled to while drawing on the vocabulary and grammar of this unit with respect to verbs of motions, countries, states, and cities. I was able to be more descriptive in recounting the things that I did while I was traveling, and I could relate my experiences with that of others from the information that they gave the rest of the class.

Flipgrid 17

February 28th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we talked about the different cities and towns that we live in, where it is located, our favorite part of that city, and other likes and dislikes on the subject matter.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about my home city of Pittsburgh and my favorite things about it. I talked more specifically about the best spot to visit here, as well as listening to the other responses from my instructor and other students to learn more about their hometown and cities in order to make some comparisons.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about the city of Pittsburgh with the new vocabulary that we learned in this unit as it pertains to location, landmarks, travel, transportation, and more. I was able to go further in my explanations about the city with information about what I like most about these places people may or may not have heard about before. I also could get a good idea about the different places that my instructor and other students described in their responses.

Flipgrid 18

March 8th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we were tasked with choosing four different locations in our city and then giving instructions as to how to get from each place to the other. We also described what was at these locations and things you can do if you are there.

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information specific to directions from the four different places I chose in Pittsburgh, in which I detailed more about what was there, how you can get there, through what means you can get there, and what I like best about these different spots I chose.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information using the new vocabulary and grammar we learned in this unit in which we could give more clear and specific directions to someone about how to get from one place to another either on foot or with other means of transportation. I was able to make use, especially, of the new verbs of motions that give someone a more clear idea as to the directions and manner in which you are getting somewhere or moving about.

Flipgrid 19

March 21st, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we discussed the weather and climate of the city or state that we were in during different times of the year, when our favorite time of the year is with weather conditions, what we usually wear during the different seasons, and why we would prefer one state/city's weather over another.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about my city's weather conditions during different times of the year, when I like the weather best during whichever season, what I would wear at any given time, and whether I would live in any other state given the climate and weather that they have. I also listened to the responses of my instructor and other students as they discussed some of their preferences in which I made comparisons with my own.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about Pittsburgh's weather using the vocabulary and grammar of this unit. I was able to be more descriptive in my response about the weather conditions, temperatures, natural disasters that my city is more prone to, what would be expected to be worn in different seasons, and why I like certain weather and seasons over others. I could also pursue other conversations with people about the weather in my state and other states if they had never been there.

Flipgrid 20

March 29th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we discussed several different climates, temperatures, and weather conditions of different states/cities in the United States, as well as comparing the climates, temperatures, and weather conditions of those to other states.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about the four states that I chose with respect to the type of weather that would be typical there and some natural disasters that these states may be more prone to. I compared these climates and temperatures to one another and gave input as to which states are better in that respect. I also listened to the responses of my instructor and other students as gave my input as to why I would agree or disagree with the states that have better weather.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about the four different states in which I was able to be more descriptive in the conditions and temperatures that are present there, as well as talking about which states would be arguably worse/better with the new grammar and vocabulary that we learned in this unit. With this, I could give others a better idea of what they may expect if they were to ever visit those states that I described.

Flipgrid 21

April 4th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we discussed some of the different preferences we have in respect to food and cuisine, as well as giving our input as to the different types of food that is popular in America.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about my personal food preferences as it pertains to the kinds of ingredients that may be included, whether they are healthy or not, what country they are typical in, and what I like to cook. I also listened to the responses of my instructor and other students as they gave information on the topic in which I commented and made comparisons.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about my food preferences, foods and recipes that are popular in America, what I like to cook and have cooked more recently, and how I went about preparing them. I was able to give viewers a better idea on this subject with the new vocabulary that we learned in this unit. I also could have more discussions on this matter with others by asking them questions about their preferences and giving my input on the matter.

Flipgrid 22

April 18th, 2021

In this Flipgrid, we discussed some of our hobbies and interests as it pertains to what these hobbies and interests are, who we like to do these things with, and what's interesting about them.

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented information about some of the hobbies and interests that I have, including some television shows and movies that I like. I also talked about some of the interests I had as a child with respect to sports, books, and other activities. Additionally, I listened to the responses from my instructors and other students about their hobbies and interests and made comments on that.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about my hobbies and interests using some of the new vocabulary we learned in this unit, which game me an opportunity to be more descriptive about some of the television shows I like to watch, how often I watch them, and things that I used to like to do. I could also start conversations with others about their hobbies and interests and get a more clear idea as to some of the premises of movies, television shows, and books they have watched or read about.

Overall Reflection:

Overall, I felt more comfortable presenting information informally about myself, my preferences and interests, and giving more information on different subject matters. I also felt like I could sum up in my own words the things that my instructor and other students were telling us on these same subject matters and express why I agreed or disagreed with some of their input.