
Fall 2020 Semester

Activity 1 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational/Interpretational Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I presented information as I answered questions about different families in Russia pertaining to when these couples got married, had children, lived together, and how they spend time as a family. This also was relevant in making comparisons between Russian and American culture as to how couples may progress in their relationships, start families, and handle living situations.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational/Interpretational Communication

I was able to interpret and present what was being explained as it described the progression of relationships and family life in Russia. I could answer questions based on what I had read using some of the new vocabulary in this unit. The answers to these questions were rather simple, however, I was able to use new words that I was not previously familiar with before.

Activity 2 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information as I answered questions about the apartment ads of people who were looking to rent in the group activity. I answered questions about these people's preferences pertaining to the type of apartment they want, amenities, the number of people they want to live with, and the kind of neighborhood they would like.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I was able to interpret and present what was being explained as the ads gave descriptions of what kinds of apartments/houses they were looking to rent. I was able to use some of the new vocabulary we learned in this unit along with vocabulary and grammar that I had previously learned in past units.

Activity 3 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on the cartoons relating to relationships and dating. I interpreted what was going on in the picture and placed these phrases appropriately with regard to the sequence of events.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I was able to interpret and present what was happening in the cartoons with respect to the progression of dating into marriage while using the new vocabulary, verbs, and grammar that we learned in this unit. I was able to accurately place these phrases in order and as it was appropriate to what was being represented in the cartoons.

Activity 4 - Google Docs

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I presented information as I answered questions about the virtual museum visit I took with another one of my classmates. We observed the rooms in the museum as it pertained to the kinds of furniture, furnishing, decorations, and materials used in the rooms. We also gained insight into the historical aspect of these rooms, how these famous figures lived, and how they decorated the rooms.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational Communication

I was able to present information about the museum based on what I observed on the tour using new vocabulary in this unit with respect to types of rooms and furniture, decorations, location, and colors. I was able to use correct grammar structures in relaying back what I observed in the rooms. This was a helpful unit as I was able to go beyond basic descriptions and use more descriptive adjectives to give others a better picture of what rooms looked like.

Spring 2021 Semester

Activity 1 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational/Interpretational Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I presented information as I answered questions about the different ads pertaining to travel agencies with respect to the places that were being offered to visit, the amenities, and how you can book these travel agencies for your next vacation. I worked with other group members to discuss the information that was in the ads, as well as learning more about the different sightseeing opportunities that are out there.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I was able to interpret and present the information that was given to us in the different ads for travel agencies in which we used the new vocabulary and grammar to answer questions pertaining to the matter. In the future, I could use these skills to find my own opportunities for travel arrangements in Russian-speaking countries, as well as discuss with others the different options for travel at home and abroad.

Activity 2 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on the different ads for performances and shows that were present in the activity. I answered the questions as it pertained to the details of start times, location, the shows that were offered, and how we, as a group, could get tickets to the different shows and performances.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I was able to interpret and present the information that was given to us in the different ads for the shows and performances while answering the questions. I can summarize the most important information that was given and relay that back to others as need be.

Activity 3 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on my group's selected spots of interest in Pittsburgh, as well as give directions as to how you can get from one place to another whether that be on foot or using other means of transportation. We also discussed as a group the different things you can see and do when you are in those different areas.

World-Readiness Standard:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on the different places of interest in Pittsburgh in a more descriptive matter that could be understood by others as it pertains to getting from one place to another taking different routes. I would be able to give others directions in places that I am familiar with, as well as ask for directions and understand where I need to turn and what roads to follow.

Activity 4 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on the weather conditions of a specific assigned place as it pertained to the kinds of attire and clothes my group would suggest to wear when you are in that area. We also explore a clothing store website to choose the attire and clothes as it was appropriate and relay information about the subtotal price of what we chose to buy.

World-Readiness Standard:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on questions about weather, temperature, and the appropriate clothes and attire for that area. I was able to use the new vocabulary and grammar we learned in this unit to make this information clear to the other students. I would also be able to venture on my own with discussions about whether and ask for recommendations for how to dress based on the weather for that day.

Activity 5 - Miro

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information with my group about the dinner party we were going to plan as it pertained to the food that we were going to prepare, the ingredients we needed to buy, the considerations we needed to make for those with different preferences, diets, and allergies, and how we were going to delegate different tasks. We followed and interpreted the different guidelines that were set out at the beginning, as well.

World-Readiness Standard:

Intermediate Presentational and Interpretational Communication

I presented information based on the guidelines and questions for preparing a dinner party with my group, in which I was able to be more clear and descriptive about the types of meals we were going to plan to cook and the logistics of the plan. I could take the new vocabulary and grammar that we learned in this unit to make my own plans and understand the different dietary and nutritional needs of others.