Discord Posts

Discord Posts

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Fall Semester 2020

Discord Post 1

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented details about a series of events over the weekend as I would in conversations with family, friends, and new people that I have met. I was also asked relevant questions about these activities along with comments and comparisons to my weekend plans.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about my weekend with specific time details and the activities that I participated in. I was also able to readily understand the other posts, comments, and questions in the Discord discussion forum pertaining to the topics.

Discord Post 2

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented details about some of my hobbies and interests of when I was younger and as of present day. I gave details pertaining to when I partake in some of my favorite activities and with whom I like to participate with. I also read some of the other comments and questions about my peers' interests and activities.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about my hobbies and interests including information about sports, music, and activities in the correct grammatical context. I also used new vocabulary and grammatical sentence structures to give more detailed descriptions of these interests and hobbies. I could interpret the other posts from students about their hobbies and interests as well, along with the comments that other people were making about the subject.

Discord Post 3

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented details about my living situation including information about my building, the rooms in my apartment, the colors and material of the floors and walls, the paintings and decorations I have, and the different kinds of furniture in my rooms. I also learned more about the different living situation my peers are in as well as what they have in their different rooms.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about my apartment with descriptive details of the colors of the walls, the material of the floors, and what the decorations in my apartment looks like. I used the vocabulary learned in this unit to give more details than I had been able to before as well as understanding the comments and discussions in the forum pertaining to the subject matter.

Discord Post 4

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented details about a famous person in American politics with details about physical appearance, their career, their choice of clothing, and an interest of theirs. I also was given other clues based on the same information from other students to guess who the well-known person could possibly be.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about someone that my peers may or may not recognize using the vocabulary that we learned in this unit and past units. I could give better details to inform others about the person's physical traits and interests to give them an idea of who it may be. I was also able to interpret who they were describing on the subject matter.

Spring Semester 2021

Discord Post 5

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

I presented details about my most recent trip to the movie theater, presenting information about who I went with, which theater, the movie I saw, and where I sat in the theater. I also commented on another student's post that I was at the same theater they went to not long ago.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about my trip to the movie theater and discuss with other students where they often go to theater. I also gave more information about locations, my preference as to where I sit, and why I liked the movie that I saw. I drew on some of the verbs of motions we had been practicing in this unit, as well as utilizing the new vocabulary we learned.

Discord Post 6

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented details about the music concert that I went to in Pittsburgh a few years ago. I provided more information about where the concert was located, who was performing, and the genre of music. Furthermore, I looked at Russian concerts happening in Moscow and gave more details about the concert with respect to the location, when it started, who was performing, and the cost of the tickets.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about my own experience going to concerts (prior to the pandemic), and further discuss about a particular artist I would want to see perform in Moscow. I used the new vocabulary about the cost of tickets, seating arrangements, as well as interpreting information on Russian-language sites about concerts that are in the progress of being planned in the future.

Discord Post 7

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpretive Communication

I presented information about a famous Russian dancer by discussing his career in ballet and the performance arts, his life, and where his career took him over the years. Additionally, I came up with a list of questions, based on the information I already knew, regarding this famous dancer.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretive and Presentational

I was able to present information about the research I did on the famous Russian dancer by giving more in-depth information about his life and career with respect to the performing arts. I drew on the vocabulary we learned in this unit about the theater, as well as past topics and grammar units using the past tense form and verbs of motion.

Discord Post 8

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational and Interpersonal Communication

I presented information about my last trip to Arizona by providing details about who I went with, what kinds of arrangements we made for visiting there, the activities we did, and what I most enjoyed about the trip. Furthermore, I discussed and answered questions from other students about travel and vacations.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpersonal and Presentational

I was able to present information about my personal experience at Arizona by recounting the things that we were able to see and do while we were there. I used more adjectives to describe these matters, and I talked about some of the trips that we usually take as a family. I also connected with other students about their trips and where I would want to visit based on their descriptions.

Discord Post 9

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information about a story in which I was lost with a friend. I recounted how we got into that situation, what we were doing prior, and how we managed to find our way back. I described where we were and the turns we were supposed to take.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational

I was able to present information about my experience getting lost in the mountains. I was able to recount information about where we were located, the roads we were on, what turns we had missed, and how we resolved the issue. I was able to use the new vocabulary in this unit to describe directions, as well as using verbs of motion in the past tense.

Discord Post 10

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information about what measures you can take to keep yourself healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. I made suggestions as to what you should and should not do, and what precautions are better to take as compared to others.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational

I was able to present information about guidelines you should generally follow, using more descriptive nouns and adjectives. I also used more comparison words and vocabulary to convey my point pertaining to the everyday things you can do to keep yourself healthy and safe.

Discord Post 11

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information about my favorite meal to cook, as well as detailing step by step how to prepare and cook the meal. I included information about ingredients, the amount of ingredients, and how long to cook the meal.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational

I was able to present information about a recipe that I know how to cook by utilizing the new vocabulary in this unit about food, ingredients, and cooking meals. I was able to further draw on the new action verbs with respect to cooking and baking food.

Discord Post 12

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information about sports that I am interested, when the last time I went to a sports game, my impression of the team that was playing, and what the outcome of that game was. I also talked more about the sport I played when I was younger.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational

I was able to present information about the sports game that I attended a while back, using more details about the outcome of the game (who won and who lost), and whether that team was any good at the game. I used the new vocabulary in the unit to give readers a better idea about the story I was telling with respect to sports games.

Discord Post 13

World-Readiness Standard:

Presentational Communication

I presented information about one of my favorite television shows that I like to watch, the genre/category that television show belongs to, who the writer of the television show is, and the premise of what the show is about.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Presentational

I was able to present information about a television show that I like to watch in which I was able to give a better description of what the show is about, who wrote it, and whether it is worth watching. I used the new vocabulary in this unit in order to convey to the reader whether they would be interested in watching this show, or even perhaps recognize the show.

Overall Reflection: