
Fall 2020 Semester

Listening Assignment Week 2


  1. Кто такая Янина? Сколько ей лет?

  2. Где она живёт? Кто она по национальности?

  3. Кто Янина по специальности? Она работает по специальности? Почему? Какая у неё сейчас работа?

  4. С кем она живёт и где (дом, квартира и т.д)?

  5. С кем она раньше жила? Кто потом переехал в квартиру Янины?

  6. Кто ещё есть у неё в семье?

  7. Как помогает мама Янине?

  8. Какие проблемы в жизни Янины?

  9. Что есть у Янины общего (in common) с вами? Как её жизнь отличается (differs) от вашей?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to information about Janina pertaining to her life including her nationality, where she lives, what she does for a living, her living situation, and what is going on in her life. Furthermore, I was given more insight as to what kinds of professions that people in Eastern Europe may pursue and what familial relationships are like compared to American culture.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret what Janina was describing about her life with respect to her education, career, family, home-life, and relationships. I used new vocabulary about family and priorly learned vocabulary about professions and relationships to understand what she was conveying. Furthermore, I made comparisons to my life and her life and contrasted what is different in her living situation and aspirations and mine.

Listening Assignment Week 4


  1. Где сейчас живёт Соня?

  2. Почему она свободна утром?

  3. Что она делает утром?

  4. Какие занятия у неё в понедельник?

  5. Во сколько у неё начинаются занятия по вторникам, четвергам и пятницам?

  6. Что она будет делать в среду в университете?

  7. Как ваше расписание похоже на Сонино расписание? Как ваше расписание отличается от Сониного расписания?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to information about Sonya's living situation, her daily routine pertaining to her classes at university, the times of day that she usually does certain things, and what types of classes she has. I also was given more insight as to some of the habits, routines, and classes that are taken in Eastern Europe and then compared it to myself with these same topics, as well as how I understand university life here in America.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret what Sonya was explaining as it related to what she does at different times of the days, what days and times she has classes, what those classes are, and when she completes certain activities on a day to day basis. I used new vocabulary and grammar about times of day and vocabulary I learned before to understand the classes that she has and what her weeks look like. Then, I compared my own schedule to hers as it was fairly similar to mine, though different as to the kinds of classes she had. It appears as though Eastern Europeans are just about as productive as American students with respect to academics.

Listening Assignment Week 6


  1. Когда встретились Татьяна и Александр? Кто у неё есть в семье?

  2. Что вы знаете о детях Татьяны? Сколько лет разницы между детьми? Как их зовут?

  3. Кто Татьяне помогал с детьми?

  4. Где учились дети Татьяны?

  5. Какие у неё хобби? Почему она любит это делать?

  6. Где она путешествовали в последние годы?

  7. Какие события (events) произошли в семье?

  8. Как семья Татьяны похожа на вашу семью и отличается от вашей семьи?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to information about Tatiana and her familial relationships including with her husband, children, mother, and friends. I also interpreted her description of her family, how they have impacted her life, and how they have grown. I also made connections and comparisons as to how her Eastern European family relations are similar and different compared to mine, including who helps raise the children.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation

I was able to interpret Tatiana's life story starting from when she met her husband, when she had her children, and what they all do now. I was able to relay that information back when answering questions, using new vocabulary, about the descriptions and information that was given. Furthermore, I was able to take the information I was given and relate it to who is in my family and how my parents have similarities with Tatiana and her husband.

Listening Assignment Week 8


  1. Чем занимался Димыч на компьютере?

  2. Что произошло и как? Что он сделал, чего нельзя было делать?

  3. Как Димыч хотел решить (to solve) проблему сначала?

  4. Что посоветовали ему сделать Фиксики? Почему это должно помочь?

  5. Что Фиксики рассказали Димычу об анти-вирусе? Что он может сделать?

  6. Где и у кого есть анти-вирус?

  7. Что можно делать в Интернете согласно (in accordance with) Фиксикам?

  8. Что нельзя делать, когда пользуешься Интернетом?

  9. А у вас или у ваших друзей были когда-нибудь вирусы на компьютере? Какие были проблемы? Что вы/они сделали?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication

I listened to information in the cartoon pertaining to technology, the internet, and computer usage. I interpreted what Dimych was doing as he described it and what advice the Fixies were giving to inform Dimych and viewers about computer usage and how to fix and prevent computer problems.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation

I was able to interpret the new vocabulary in this unit as it was supplemented along with vocabulary I had learned prior to viewing the video. I made connections as to what problems were occurring and what suggestions the Fixies had when there are problems with technology. I could answer questions using the new vocabulary and create my own examples pertaining to problem-solving with computers.

Listening Assignment Week 10


  1. Как студенты добираются в комнату? На каком этаже комната?

  2. Что есть на кухне в комнате общежития?

  3. Какой у студента санузел (ванная)? Что там есть? Что влоггер думает об этой комнате?

  4. Сколько студентов обычно живёт в этой комнате?

  5. Что есть в комнате общежития?

  6. Какая мебель есть в комнате? Что где стоит и висит в комнате?

  7. Какой вид из окна в этой комнате? Что можно увидеть из окна?

  8. Какая комната была у влоггера раньше, когда он учился в МГУ? Что у него было и чего у него не было там?

  9. Что влоггеру нравится в этом общежитии?

  10. Какая проблема в общежитии?

  11. Студенты какого факультета и каких курсов живут в этом общежитии? Куда они потом переезжают?

  12. Вы хотели бы жить в этом общежитии? Почему?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to information about student's living situations at Moscow University including where they live and when, the amount of people in a building, the kind of furniture that is included in the dorms/apartment-style living, and what kind of rooms there are. I also was given insight as to how university students live in Moscow compared to in the United States as it pertains to size, accomodations, and furniture.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret what the vlogger was describing in the room, the furniture, and the questions being asked to the students living there along with the students' answers. I used new vocabulary and grammar to understand what context certain expressions were being made in. I could also express how living in dorms in the United States would be different than in Moscow as to the features and furniture that is in the rooms.

Listening Assignment Week 12


  1. Куда едут Дядя Федор и кот Матроскин? Что они там хотят?

  2. Что хочет пёс Шарик (собака)? Что ему отвечает кот Матроскин?

  3. Опишите домик в деревне, который нашли Дядя Фёдор, матроскин и Шарик, в 2-3 предложениях. Какая там мебель? Что какого цвета в доме?

  4. Что, как и чем они убирают в доме?

  5. С кем они познакомились в деревне?

  6. Что с чем они едят и пьют?

  7. Что они хотят купить и продать?

  8. Вам понравился домик в Простоквашино? Почему?

  9. Какой домик для отдыха вы хотите снимать в России или русско-говорящих странах? Почему?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication

I listened to information to the conversations and dialogue between the characters in the story as it pertained to household tasks, furniture in the room, where things are in relation to other things (location-wise), and who would be living in the house that they found. As I interpreted the information, I made connections to the series of events and dialogue in terms of everyday topics.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation

I was able to interpret the story that was going on between Fedor, the cat, the dog, and the mailman as they conversed and asked one another questions. I was able to describe what was happening in my own words with the new vocabulary learned in this unit, as well as describe the layout of the rooms in the house. I could also answer questions about what was being discussed in the dialogue.

Listening Assignment Week 13


В 2-4 предложениях ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Кто главная героиня?

  2. Где она работает? Кто она по профессии?

  3. Как она выглядит? Какие у неё волосы, глаза, нос, рот, фигура?

  4. Какая она по характеру?

  5. Что ей хочется? Кого/что она ищет?

  6. С кем она работает? Как выглядят её коллеги? Какой у них характер?

  7. Как вы думаете, кто нравится Наде и почему?

  8. А кого бы вы предложили Наде и почему?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to information that was being spoken in the dialogue between work colleagues in the video pertaining to relationships, ideal characteristics of a person, and relay information back about the physical appearance and features of the different people. Furthermore, I was given some insight as to how in Eastern Europe people value different traits in a partner as well as the types of conversations and relationships they have with different people.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret what was being discussed between the two women as they conversed about the men in their workplace. I could answer questions about the main idea of what Nadia needed to find in a partner in terms of personal traits and qualities. I was also able to give more descriptive information as to the physical appearance of many different characters in the show using the vocabulary that we learned in this unit. I also observed some differences between American dating culture and Russian dating culture.

Overall Reflection:

These listening assignments contributed to my learning as I had to interpret narrations, conversations, and different kinds of dialogues between Russian speakers. Furthermore, I was able to give less than basic answers pertaining to the information that was presented in each of the videos. Listening comprehension given in different formats whether it is by real people, cartoon characters, or actors can at times be difficult as there is a lot to pick up on with colloquial speak and the speed at which they talk. Nonetheless, I feel as if I can understand better what is happening in the videos and get a "big picture" idea of what is happening in the videos even if I do not recognize every word that is being spoken.

Spring 2021 Semester

Listening Assignment Week 1


Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences for each question.

1. Согласно Артуру Театральных, с чего начинается театр? Что там нужно делать и как себя надо и не надо вести (behave oneself)?

2. Во что одет Артур и его девушка? Если вы пришли с девушкой, что нужно сделать?

3. Что нужно и нельзя делать, если вы опоздали (late)?

4. Что делал Артур в театре, когда сидел с девушкой на своих местах?

5. Что и как можно сделать, если вам понравилось театральное представление?

6. А что вы посоветуете друзьям как себя вести в театре?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication and Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to information that was being presented about theater etiquette, what you should and should not wear, and other general guidelines about conduct when you are at the theater. I also given some perspective as to how that conduct can differ in Russian-speaking countries in comparison to America.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret what was being told to viewers about theater etiquette, the suggestions that they were making, and how I could relay that information to others. I also could pursue that kind of dialogue with another person in Russian about general information about the theater, performing arts, and other cultural aspects that are popular in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Listening Assignment Week 4


Watch 00:00-10:06 min and respond to the following questions in complete sentences is Russian.

  1. Где работает лев Бонифаций?

  2. Почему на улице много детей?

  3. Чего у Бонифация никогда не было?

  4. Куда хочет поехать Бонифаций?

  5. Что ему нужно было сделать до того, как поехать отдыхать?

  6. На каких видах транспорта путешествовал Бонифаций? (use different verbs of motions)

  7. О чём думал и мечтал Бонифаций, когда ехал на отдых?

  8. Что увидел Бонифаций, когда приехал?

  9. А вы хотели бы поехать на такие же каникулы как и Бонифаций? Почему?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication

I listened to the story that was being told about the circus lion who decided to take a vacation to visit his family, which detailed information about his travels, what he chose to do when he got to his destination, and the encounters he had while he was there.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation

I was able to interpret what was conveyed in the story by drawing on some of the vocabulary of this unit and past units, as well as grammar with respect to verbs of motion. I was able to demonstrate my ability to recount information from the dialogue of the story and further relate that information I interpreted to my own experiences and preferences.

Listening Assignment Week 7


Respond in 3-4 COMPLETE sentences in Russian to each question.

  1. В каком городе живёт Анастасия? Что Анастасия хочет делать и показать зрителям (viewers) влога? Какая погода и какое время года?

  2. С чего начинает свою прогулку (a stroll) Анастасия? Что она про это место рассказывает? Что здесь находится?

  3. Что она рассказывает про старую часть Выборга? Чего есть много в старом городе? Что туристам можно делать там?

  4. Кого они встречают во время своей прогулки? Что они про него говорят?

  5. Что Анастасия рассказывает про часовую башню?

  6. Какое самое старое место в старой части Выборга? Что там находится? Что вы ещё узнали об этом месте?

  7. Куда можно пойти и что можно сделать в Выборге если вы любите хорошую еду? Что Анастасия и её друг рассказывают про эти места?

  8. Куда бы вы хотели пойти в Выборге и почему?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to the vlog post by Anastasia in which she showed viewers her favorite parts of her city, things that you can see while you are there, and places that you can visit that are worthwhile. I also got to see a tour of the Russian city of Vyborg and learned about different historical landmarks of the city.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret the information that the vlogger was conveying to the viewers about the city and answer questions about some of the observations I made while watching with respect to the buildings, landmarks, and sightseeing activities that Anastasia was doing. I drew on the vocabulary from this unit about the weather in order to describe what I was observing in the city, as well as referring back to prior vocabulary from past units as it pertained to location, landmarks, and travel. I would also be able to make comparisons of American cities and Russian cities, and describe them to others.

Listening Assignment Week 11


  1. Что она рекомендует приготовить для здорового завтрака?

  2. На чём надо приготовить этот завтрак?

  3. Что она советует использовать ВМЕСТО сахара?

  4. Что следует съесть на перекус между завтраком и обедом?

  5. Какой у неё любимый вариант обеда?

  6. Чем можно перекусить между обедом и ужином?

  7. Что она предлагает приготовить на ужин? Что нам нужно, чтобы приготовить этот ужин?

  8. Что ещё можно съесть на ужин, согласно ей?

  9. За сколько часов до сна нужно есть ужин?

  10. Какие ваши рекомендации и советы для правильного питания?

World-Readiness Standard:

Interpretive Communication Relating Cultural Practices to Perspective

I listened to the informative video detailing information about different healthy alternative meals that you can make, which also described the ingredients to use, how to prepare the meals, and when you should eat these meals. I also got some insight as to how nutrition and health is different and similar in Russian-speaking cultures and countries with respect to American culture.

Can-Do Statement:

Intermediate Interpretation and Intercultural Communication

I was able to interpret the information that was being presented in the video about meal preparation, nutrition, and recommendations for optimizing the benefits of these meals. I was able to answer the follow up questions that pertained to the instructions and information in the video while using some of the vocabulary that we learned in this unit about food and cooking. I could later have conversations with others about food and cuisine and describe the differences and similarities between American cuisine and Russian and East European cuisine.

Overall Reflection:

Overall, I was more comfortable being able to understand some of the dialogue, instructions, and comments that were being made in the various videos as we learned the different grammar and vocabulary in each unit. I did not feel like I needed to rely more on what was happening in the videos visually as I had previously.