




This is the official digital portfolio of Kavisha Alagiya who is a Research Scholar at the Department of English. This site provides a synopsis of all her academic endeavours. Feel free to reach out by exploring the contact page-

👉 Contact Kavisha Alagiya 👈

Hello again,

Do you know what's interesting about a digital portfolio? Well, it makes students like me googleable! And the amazing thing is that the visitors can view it without a ticket or password! I believe that a portfolio can be the best tool for measuring a student's academic as well as creative performance.

“Testing gives you a snapshot.

Portfolios give you a movie."

-Dr Helen Barret

As a student of English Language, Literature, and Criticism, I modestly attempted to present my journey of art, creativity and critical insights as well as my literary expressions on one single platform. I owe our professor Dilip Barad a debt of gratitude for his outstanding efforts in transforming students' lives and his endless encouragement in establishing my digital identity so that I can manage to upgrade this identity on various platforms.

The literary and digital journey of my Masters in Arts, started by freely expressing my views in blogger and will end with this electronic briefcase (e-portfolio). This portfolio is composed of all my learning activities, blogs, presentations, assignments, videos, and individual 'beyond the book’ explorations. This website serves as an archival record of all the activities in which I had enthusiastically participated. It provides my authentic learning experience.

“That is what learning is.

You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”

– Doris Lessing

As I am celebrating this milestone of learning to design my own e-portfolio, I remember the privileged mentorship of Dr. Heenaba Zala and Miss. Vaidehi Hariyani for the immense support. Lastly, and most importantly, I feel elated to express my genuine thanks to Prof. Barad Sir for giving an insightful vision where I along with all students become ready to fly towards the future. Feel free to explore this enriching evidence of my learning journey.

Happy Reading!

Stay tuned, connected and safe!

As a part of the partial fulfilment of continuous internal assessment, I have archived my blogs -assignments and thinking activities, slideshare.net for presentations and youtube.com accounts for videos of their presentations.

Here is my certificate of Digital Portfolio participation as a learning activity.

Here are my views in regional (Gujarati Language) on how my digital portfolio has benefitted me.

My video link - https://youtu.be/dbfRb_pR084