
Please note: This list is being supplied as a courtesy by the Shoreline School District. This list is not an endorsement of providers, services, or fees. The Shoreline School District in no way assumes liability associated with providing this list, nor actions of the providers.

For families in need of support: please don't hesitate to contact our Family Advocate Annie Gage:


Finding a therapist - evidence based treatment.pdf

Finding a Therapist for Evidence Based Treatment

Choosing a Therapist and What They Do.pdf

Choosing a Therapist and Knowing What They Do

Children and Mental Health_ Is This Just a Stage_.pdf

Children and Mental Health - Is this Just a Stage?

Helping children learn appropriate ways to express emotions.pdf

Helping your child learn appropriate ways to express feelings

Problem Solving Skills Worksheet.pdf

Problem Solving Skills Worksheet

Praisable Behaviors.pdf
Giving Good Directions.pdf
101 Phrases of Praise.pdf
Giving Effective Instructions.pdf