My Major 

Exercise Science Major

I chose this major because of my love for exercise, my athletic background, and my interest in how the body moves and works. Through the application of solutions to health issues related to physical inactivity, exercise science aims to understand and promote an individual's well-being. With this major I can work my way up to finishing my career goal of cardio rehab. This major has taught me so much about myself. The most important thing I have learned from my major is the way physical activity improves the human body drastically. I have also learned that the "busy work" all has a purpose even if you do not see it at the moment. Everything the professor give you is for your own benefit, even if you do not want to do it. 

Psychology Minor

I chose to have a minor in psychology because it would help me understand people's behavior and the mind. In my opinion this minor is helpful to basically all majors. This minor will also be helpful with my career goal of cardio rehab because you have to get to know your patients on a personal level. I am the type of person who goes out of my way to help someone, to help them have a positive outcomes when they believe in the worse case scenarios. I have always loved psychology, it has a positive effect on someone's life. Pursuing a minor in psychology has also helped get a better understand on myself, I believe it has helped me become a better student and mentor. It also has helped me communicate with others.