My Involvement and Impact

Internship: INShape 

INShape is a internship like personal training program where you get your own client. During this nine week program you have the opportunity to help your client achieve their goals. Going into the program I was nervous that my skills and knowledge would not meet my clients needs. My biggest takeaway from INShape was my confidence in my skills and knowledge. 

On multiple occasions during our workouts certain equipment that I had planned to use that day would be occupied. I would have to change the exercise to something else that worked with that days plan. For example, one time all the squat racks in the gym were taken. Instead of waiting for one to open or skipping the exercise and coming back to it later, we used the leg press machine. 

A 6- word reflection of INShape would be nervous, diffident, self- assurance, motivated, inquire, and change. At the start of INShape I was very nervous and not confident. As the program went on I became more confident and motivated to help my client to the best of my ability. It was an experience I was not used to and I had to ask lets of questions. 

Motor Learning Clinic 

Through the clinic, I had the privilege of working with a 13 year old girl with autism and ADHD. Through this six week clinic I learned so much about my client. How she processes new information, when she's frustrated, and when she is excited. Through this clinic I also learned a lot. I learned how to observe someone's body language and what that body language means. I learned to be proud of the little accomplishments. The most important thing I learned was that it is okay to step back and take a minute to breathe. 

Volunteering: Walk to End Alzheimer's 

I lost my grandma at a young age to Alzheimer's. I remember how she did not always remember who I was but I also remember the good times we had, the many puzzles we did together and the large amount of board games we would play. After she passed away my family and I started volunteering and participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer's.  The best part about the walks were all of the people who came together to help the cause. I have always loved the amount of support from each and every person there. 

Health Coaching 

Through one of my senior classes I had the opportunity to be a health coach to one of my friends. This helped put all of my knowledge from the last four years into a real life experience. For six weeks I would meet with my client and help him achieve his goals. I would teach him the techniques and give him the knowledge on how to accomplish the goals he set for himself. I helped motivate and keep him on track. Through this experience I learned what questions to ask to him find out what motivates him and how to communicate the knowledge I possess in a way he could understand.