About Me

I would like to believe that my personality is outgoing, passionate, and hardworking. I get many of these personalities coming from a small town called Monrovia. For people who do not know where that is it is next to Mooresville, IN and Plainfield, IN. Growing up with a high school graduating class of only 150 students, you learn to be passionate. You have grown up with these kids, most I have known since I was in kindergarten. A lot of them became my soccer and track families. Since we do not have a lot of sports or clubs to join, you learn to be outgoing and try a new sport. I started soccer my junior year of high school because my best friend told me it was fun, who knew I would become a captain my senior year. You become hardworking because you have to balance school, sports, and a job.

I am currently in my last year at IUPUI. I believe that coming from a small town really makes me stand out on the big campus. With my ability to be able to balance working full time and full time school. I strongly believe to be successful in school you have to be passionate. You can not do this kind of hard work everyday if you are not passionate about the major you are working towards. 

Life Experience

Wing Walker- Lily 

I started working at Wing Walker in November 2022 and have learned so much in such a short amount of time. Wing Walkers is a daycare for infants to pre kindergarten children. At Wing Walkers the children learn age appropriate life skills, fine and gross motor skills, identification of objects, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) skills. The teachers create daily activities that keep the children engaged while learning. We work as a team to make sure the children are safe while they explore and learn about different skills. To do this we make sure the children always have our full attention. We acknowledge the children's feeling and make sure they know how to express the correct emotion. My favorite part about my job is that I look forward to going to work, to see the children's faces when we show them something new, to helping them understand new things, to getting to know the children and their personalities. 


During my first fire drill at Wing Walkers I learned that the children do not understand what was happening and they were very scared. As a teacher I had to work fast and effetely to make sure my class got to the designated location. My associate and I had to work as a team to grab the items we needed and make sure all our children were accounted for. The children were crying and running up to us because  they were scare and did not understand. We had to stay calm and collected. Being my first fire drill I was freaking out on the inside, they do not tell you when it is going to happen, on the outside I was calm and leading the children to the door. I learned a lot about myself during the drill. The most important was that you have to remain calm or you will make the children freak out more. Another main thing I learned was that you have to communicate to everyone, even the children. You have to reassure the children that they are okay and safe. One of my managers asked me after work how it went I told her "I'm glad I was here today for the drill, I leaned a lot about team work and keeping calm. You never know how you will handle a situation like until you actually have to." 


My soccer coach and anatomy teacher in high school, Mrs. Batka encouraged me, supported me, and she taught me how to be strong but kind.

My high school calculus teacher, Mrs. Nibert.  She supported every sport (going to games and wearing the sports team t shirt), made sure the seniors were doing what they needed to for life after high school, and showed me that teachers really do care for their students.

Lastly, my parents because they are the most generous people I have met, they encourage and support me no matter what, and they showed me right from wrong.