Professional Development
One of the most important parts of my responsibilities as an educator is on-going professional development. Through conferences, webinars, and workshops, I've learnt from some of the best in the international education community. I've also been blessed with opportunities to share my experiences and insights. You can find them on this page - some are workshop slides that I created and used, others are videos or links to the recording of workshops I've taken part in.
In addition, I've added a few projects I completed as a part of my Bachelor's and Master'ss degree. In my Master's programme, I had agency in the topics for each assignment. This gave me an opportunity to dive deeper into topics I was curious and/or passionate about. I hope that this page and the project it contains give you an idea of who I am and the kind of work you can expect from me at your school to contribute to your professional community.
PD & Workshops organised / facilitated
International TCK Conference - forum, workshop, social media
AIELOC & WOCinELT Conference - speaker
Chiang Mai City-wide PD Day
ELLSA Job-Alike
FIGT Virtual Conference - community building manager
ELLSA Virtual Conference - organisation
SENIA Virtual Conference - video & tech support
ELLSA Job - Alike
TESOL Webinar: Challenging APPI Discrimination in Education
SENIA Virtual Conference - video & tech support
School-wide workshop: Twitter as a PLN
School-wide workshop: Co-Teaching in the Elementary School
ELLSA Conference: Workshop on Learning Centers in the Elementary Classroom
ISTE Webinar Panel Discussion: Triumphs and Challenges of Being an LGBTQ Teacher Today
City-Wide Conference: But I Don't Speak My Student's L1 - Intro to Translanguaging
School-wide PD: discussion around translanguaging, debunking myths, and what it means to be multilingual
School-wide PD: Integrating Technology in the Classroom for multilingual learners
School-wide PD - Workshop on Translanguaging
PD Attended
AIELOC DEIJ Leadership Certification Courses
International TCK Conference
ASCD Webinar - Introducing the Definitive guide to Instructional Coaching
EARCOS Workshop with Lorena and Roberto German: DEIJ - Unearthing Biases and Effective Pedagogy
VOXISKL - Why Identity-Centered Learning Makes a Difference to Your Child
FIGT Virtual Conference
EARCOS - Implicit Bias Training
TCK Training Webinar
ELLSA Virtual Conference
Pride and Less Prejudice: Sustaining GSAs in Elementary School
Pride and Less Prejudice: Starting a GSA at International Schools
WIDA Model Online Training
ISS DEIJ Workshop series (October - June 2023)
KSIPD Workshop by Beth Puma: Co-teaching Adventure - Sharing the Vision for Educational Equity for Multilingual Students in the International Classroom
Webinar: Advocating for True Inclusion in the PK-12 Classroom Setting
SRIS Webinar: The Intersectionality of gender, sexuality, race, and native-speakerness: Investigating ELT Teacher Identity Through Duo-ethnography
Webinar: Translanguaging - Designing Equitable Multilingual Spaces
Online Seminar: AIE Educating for Peace and Social Justice
AIELOC and WoCinELT Virtual Conference
SENIA Virtual Conference
TCKs of Asia Forum
SENIA Virtual Conference
ELLSA Conference at RIS, Bangkok, Thailand
IB Regional Conference, Category 3: Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Teaching and Learning, Shanghai, China
City-wide Professional Development Day, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
KSIPD Workshop by Dr.Virginia Rojas on EAL Instructional Coaching
Be a Better Ally Podcast
Coming out to students and having conversations with students about LGBTQ+