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Cures For Quarantine Boredom

by Chloe Zheng, Olivia Zheng, and Kairi Rojas, Reporters


Are you bored out of your mind? Have you been thinking about activities to do but just can’t come up with any? Well, no need to stress we got you covered! Here are some cool ideas to try out to cure your boredom in quarantine.

  • Make a 2021 playlist

  • Write down your dreams

  • Try different styles of art

  • Learn to cook new recipes (or recreate your favorite restaurant meal)

  • Make a list of movies you plan to watch

  • Send a handwritten note to somebody

  • Blind pick a book and read it

  • Make a bucket list

  • Go out and have a picnic (safely, of course)

  • Take a walk on a beach while social distancing

  • Organize your room (your mom has been asking for a while now)

  • Exercise

  • Do your homework (we know you haven’t)

  • Watch new TV shows

  • Find a podcast you like

  • Organize the apps on your phone

  • Pick up new hobbies

  • Call a relative you haven’t seen in awhile

  • Play board games with your family and loved ones

  • Have a Zoom party with your friends

  • Finger paint like the good old days

  • Write a letter to your future self

  • Make new goals for the new year

  • Do an at-home photoshoot of recreating pictures of your parents in the past

  • Make a self-portrait

  • Read that book you’ve been meaning to read

  • Take your dogs on a walk (they’ve been begging you)

  • Paint your nails!

  • Write down your favorite memory

  • Create a board game

  • Take nature photography

  • Have a tea party with your stuffed animals (don’t lie we know you still have them)

  • Compliment someone (you can do it over social media)

  • Try baking cookies

  • Make something with papier-mâché

  • Figure out if Santa Claus is real

  • Make spaghetti tacos while watching iCarly

  • Have dinner with your pet and/or your imaginary friends

Remember, this is not forever, even if it feels like it. If you need anyone, you always have us, your friends, and your teachers! We all love you, and we’ll see you soon or over Zoom. :)

Your gals,


DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the various authors in this paper do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Kamiak High School or The Gauntlet.