January 2024 Issue

Eighteen gunshots. The smell of gunpowder wafting up the noses of all the running kids... In an instant, a person who we all had grown up with was gone...

by Sophie Thompson, Reporter

I don't know how many schools have the book Tangerine as required reading, but I know for a fact that many middle schools did. Some found the book relatable and appreciated its lesson, but many others found the setting painfully drab...

by Emily Chu, Treasurer

“There is a Korean belief that you are born the parent of the one you hurt most. Watching my father use chopsticks to split chicken katsu, he confesses that I may be the reincarnation of his own father...

by Jammy-Adrienne Valerio, Reporter

The title may sound reminiscent of the mythical phoenix: the bird with sun-like flames for feathers, the symbol of rebirth from mere ashes. However, the creature of today’s topic is neither a bird, nor does it relate to fire of any kind...

by Rogelio Dominguez Garcia, Reporter

Want to know if Running Start is for you? Running Start is a great opportunity to get ahead and earn college credits during high school...

by Emily Chu, Reporter and Authentic Canadian

The IRS is deporting me for reasons I will not disclose, therefore I must once again go through the process of returning to Canada. After a couple days of compilation, I came to the epiphany that Canada is better anyways, so I will be doing a public service by publishing this guide on helping as many people as possible join me...

Contributors to this issue:

Meliza Lara

Sophie Thompson

Emily Chu

Jammy-Adriene Valerio

Rogelio Dominguez Garcia

Lindsey Ehrlich

Wes Andrus

Dan Nguyen

Cover Art by Dan Nguyen