letter from the editor

Dear Kamiak community,

Thank you for taking your time to read The Gauntlet! It means a lot to our hardworking staff that you have chosen to read through our published articles about topics that mean the most to our school and ourselves at the moment.

As an organization, we’ve been transitioning back to regular in-person meetings. It has been such a blessing and privilege to work together in the classroom after a year of complete isolation. Issue 10 pays homage to many in-person high school experiences we missed: the cover depicts the return of football games with Kingston the Knight, and article topics range from Homecoming to other fall activities such as Show Band and sports. We’re aiming to release print publications again, beginning with Issue 11, but until then, we hope you thoroughly enjoy Issue 10.

If reading our publication left you curious or inspired, please stop by Room 323 on Thursday afternoons from 2:10-3 p.m.! We’d love to welcome aboard any new journalists, writers, artists, and photographers. We hope you found our pieces interesting, relevant, and informative. Keep your eyes peeled for our next issue!


Rie Kim, Editor-in-Chief