Header Image/Article Cover via WTA Tennis, 2021

Have no fear, kamiak is here

Joseph Jeon, Reporter


Photo provided by WTA Tennis.

Despite the largely underclassmen members, the boys JV tennis team is first place in the WESCO conference and remains undefeated. They defeated Lake Stevens, Jackson, and Glacier Peak, all strongholds in the 4A district. This is Kamiak’s first undefeated season in Coach Eric Huffman’s five years of JV coaching. When asked about the boys’ winning streak, Coach Huffman said “[all of the players] that come into the tennis program are incredibly intelligent. With that intelligence comes discipline and knowledge to quickly learn the sport.”

Regardless of Kamiak tennis' promising future, new recruits are vital to the program. Many players on the tennis team started by playing with their friends. Ryan Chung ‘24, former soccer player, says “Most of my friends played tennis, so that's how I started. Over time, I really enjoyed it, so I decided to stick to it and play for our school.” Chung now competes in singles and doubles matches. Coach Huffman, also the JV girls tennis coach, said, “We will very likely not cut anybody, and I want all the girls to come out who can possibly be interested in tennis. Remember [that] tennis is a lifetime sport. You can’t play football, baseball, and basketball your entire life, but you can play tennis your entire life.” According to Coach Huffman, Kamiak tennis is always open for new players and is currently a no-cut sport. Edward “The King” Lee ‘22, a resident varsity tennis player, says to “show your heart” that you want to play.

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