Header Image/Article Cover via The National Observer

feeling bored?

by Danya Zhao, Reporter


Have you come down with a case of boredom? Here’s a check-list to make your day a bit more interesting:

Pandemic boredom, courtesy of The National Observer
  1. Go on a walk. Be one with nature.

  2. Read a book. If you don’t like books, watch a movie!

  3. Exercise.

  4. Create a bullet journal.

  5. Bake a cake.

  6. Eat the cake.

  7. Watch Tangled. Don’t forget to sing along to every song!

  8. Start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean.

  9. Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up.

  10. Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.

  11. Give up and take a nap.

  12. Wonder why you’re genuinely taking advice from a school newspaper.

  13. Get a ton of stuffed animals to replace your non-existent friends.

  14. Have a tea party with your stuffed animals. Do limit Mr. Snuffleuffagus to only three scones, or he will eat them ALL.

  15. Scream into a pillow. Break down into sobs.

  16. Rage type a letter to your enemies; almost send it; delete it all at the last second.

  17. Wish that your stuffed animals could actually talk back to you. Or at the very least help you with your literary analysis. Come on, Ms. Bunny Foo Foo, your knowledge is required.

  18. Take up voodoo magic. Why not at this point?

  19. Sell your soul to a random stranger on the internet to unlock the secrets of the world.

  20. Pause and take some Buzzfeed quizzes. You never know. Maybe they can solve your existential crisis.

  21. Practice the voodoo magic you learned earlier on a stuffed animal.

  22. Watch a tiny murderous toy run around your room.

  23. Disembowel it.

  24. Hold their body in your arms, and stare into Mx. Fuzzy Wuzzy’s empty eyes. If only you hadn’t exhausted all your tears earlier, you might have been able to cry over your lost companion.

  25. Curl up into a ball on the carpet and sit in guilty silence for fifteen minutes while your other stuffed animals watch you disapprovingly.

  26. Make a grave for your disemboweled stuffed animal and create a funeral reception with the remaining, non-voodooed toys.

  27. Go home and mourn your fallen comrade. Remember all the times you shared together. From the moment you saw them in the adoption center within Walgreens, you knew you two were meant to be. ‘Tis a shame your adventures together had to come to an end.

  28. Write a bestselling novel based on your experiences. Dedicate it to Mx. Fuzzy Wuzzy. It is the least you can do after ending their short life and profiting off their demise. Let their name be known across the globe.

  29. Realize that even with a bestselling novel, voodoo magic, and no soul, you still do not want your parent(s) to scold you, so you decide to start your homework.

  30. Turn in your homework one minute before it’s due.

  31. Go to sleep. Pretend this day never happened.