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"the gift" 2021 essay winner: "Untitled"

by Samantha Hernandez

Short Story

Every year, Ms. Noonan hosts a creative essay contest for her 10th grade honors English class. Here is the 2021 winning essay written by Samantha Hernandez, “Untitled.”


By: Samantha Hernandez

To my beloved,

It is my first time writing to you. I would like you to think of this letter as my Christmas present to you. How are you this morning? Did you walk your dog yet? It is not 10:00 am, but I know how you enjoy waking up early on Saturdays. I noticed you dropped your watch on your walk eight days ago. Was it by coincidence, or did you want me to pick it up? Did you want me to see you? Did you want me to notice you? I am willing to play your game because I know that in the end, I will have you.

I have taken precautions for every possible situation in case you decide to toy with the rules of our game. The law is not on your side here, but I know you would never call the police on me. You love me just as much as I love you, and prison is not someplace I want to attend any time soon. Having 911 on speed dial or not, you will be the one trapped. I mean that metaphorically, but also quite literally. I have a beautiful cage for you filled with everything you love! I have all your favorite works by Fyodor Dostoevsky, your favorite assortment of sweets ranging from a delectable lemon tart to the rich chocolate cake you made on your brother's birthday, and soon, your beloved husky. Oh, I suppose I should use the term “our” now. I mean, a dog will help us bond, correct?

Christmas is near: I am growing impatient with you. You reside in my thoughts five hundred times a day, so five hundred times I think about how difficult it is to bottle up my feelings towards you. You have made me lose part of myself that only you can find. Help me out here, dear. I am doing so much trying to restrain myself from your teasing beauty. Sometimes I wish I could strangle you. My lungs give out at the sight of your golden hair, tan skin, and flowery scent. I think about the tantalizing curve of your delicate neck as I dream of the day I can take your breath away, just like how you did mine. So I leave you this note. Please do not fear my gift. I am sure this is not your first time receiving an unusual present. Christmas of 2010, the day your father gifted you motor oil for secret Santa. What an odd gift to give someone, right? Interpret this letter as you please, because for now, I will leave it unsigned and untitled.

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