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since you asked

by M&D, Advice Columnists


The Gauntlet’s advice columnists, “M&D,” answer Kamiak students’ questions:

Dear M&D,

What’s one piece of advice you would give to the freshmen?


A Super Senior

Dear A Super Senior,

Entering a new school freshman year can be very nerve-racking. I would recommend focusing on yourself and your academics. Instead of worrying about your appearance to others, work on confidence and succeeding in your classes. After all, school is what will actually affect your future (not people's opinions!).



Dear M&D,

What is the best way to choose between your top two choice colleges?


A Very Stressed College Freshman

Dear A Very Stressed College Freshman,

You should consider your major. Different schools have better programs depending on your major, so looking into that would be a great start.

Next, you have to consider your budget: is one school more expensive than the other? Are you applying for scholarships? Cost is definitely a huge factor when it comes to making a decision.

Lastly, consider the environment! This is not a dealbreaker, but for a place you will likely be spending the next four years at, having a healthy and enjoyable environment can help motivate you. Do you want to stay in-state or leave? Do you want to be by the beach or mountains? Do you want to experience snow? Those are some important questions to ask.



Dear M&D,

I feel like my best friend doesn’t want to be my best friend anymore. He doesn’t seem to prioritize our friendship anymore and only cares about his new buddies. Help?


A Lost Junior

Dear A Lost Junior,

At the end of the day, your true friends will always be there for you even when it feels like the friendship is slipping away. Friendships take work and are not something you can just throw out. But if you no longer feel like a priority, surround yourself with people that make you happy and not stressed or lost.



Dear M&D,

I’m a math teacher, and I want my class to be more enjoyable. How should I go about it?


Shhh! One of Your Math Teachers!!!

Dear, Shhh! One of Your Math Teachers,

If you're trying to boost the mood of the classroom, try soft background music, short breaks once and a while, and most importantly, have a good relationship with your students. Cracking some jokes and making your students laugh is a great way to make the class period more enjoyable for you and your students. Hope this helps!



DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the various authors in this paper do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Kamiak High School or The Gauntlet.