3D Anaglyph

3D Anaglyph

3D Anaglyph is using the stereoscopic 3D effect which can be achieved by means of using a red layer and a cyan layer to manipulate the eye in to thinking that some aspects of the image has depth.  

Here is an example of 3D Anaglyph, you can see that a blue and red outline have been placed to trick  the eyes thinking that the tiger is closer than it is. When lines are closer together it means that the object \tiger is further apart but when the lines are closer together it means that the front of the tiger is closer than the rear of the tiger this is called proximity principle. in this image you can see layers to this image, the tiger is in the foreground ,being the main eye catcher of the image and the forest is the background giving it a look as in  its in its natural habitat, this gives the image depth.

Here is an example of multiple balls being shot towards the camera this image also has depth due to the smaller size balls in the back and the bigger balls closer to the camera .

How it works 

Mood board 

My Plan

My idea for a image is to make it look like a ball or a flying object has been thrown towards the camera  making it like it is about to make contact with it , the background of my image will be in a the studio creating a black background and making the  ball be the main subject.

1st Shoot

this is my image after my i have edited it i have created 2 layers and then separated then two created the image be able to be 3 d i feel like these images could have been a lot better if the subject had some better expressions 

This is my image that i have picked in its original and unedited form, the reason why i have picked this image is because of the separation and the equal lighting of the ball. 

In this image i have used the original photo shopped image but now i have made the ball seem closer by using puppet warp which allows me to cancel out the layers on top of the ball to give the illusion that the person is further away and that then gives an illusion that the ball is closer. 

But it would be better if i have a different color ball due to 3d glasses being red and blue/cyan,i plan to correct this by bringing in a new ball that is neither blue or red so that it will be more clearer and the effect would be better.

What i have also noticed  is that the middle right  of the ball has been a bit misshaped when i was in the Photoshop stage.

My Attempts

In this image the ball wasn't properly hit by the lighting making it a black floating orb but also the top of the studio has been captured 

i had taken the picture to late and the ball was not in the image 

ball is to low and is overlapping with the hand 

the ball is overlapping with the subject and was in the center of the image and is kissing the edge of the frame 

Ball was to low and was not properly hit by the lighting 

not hit by the lighting and in middle of the frame with the edge of the studio captured 

this is the image that i used and was in the right position

shoot 2 Contact Sheet

Shoot 2 

Shoot 2 Plan

I will be using one person to throw the clock in the air while another makes it look like there controlling it with there mind and making levitate(telekinesis). I am also using a clock to make it look like time has frozen and the person is moving at super speed . i could also blur there hand to also give the perception that time is  moving fast.

Shoot 2  Contact Sheet

My Attempts

in this image the lighting only caught the clock at the side so the clock hand and numbers could not be seen therefore just making it a black object that has no real purpose  to the image, it also looks like a floating shiny object that is half covered.

For this one i didn't like it because the lighting was reflecting off the glass on the clock this was due to the clocks positioning and the soft light that create a wide surface area. If the light was not reflecting on the glass i would definitely use this , also  the clock and the hand look like they're touching so i could not use the puppet warp tool to create a more bold object,instead it would mess up the hand and would make it visually unappealing.

In this one i like the shine reflecting off of the camera but i don't like the close kissing edge and the positing off the camera as it doesn't really look like the main subject of  the image.


this is the image that i also really liked , i liked how it has been positioned to face towards the camera and how his eyes are focused on the clock therefore giving even more of a perception that he is focusing to control the camera.

In my first attempt i  accidentally taken pictures of another person that was throwing the clock in the air. I really liked the image so i decided to Photoshop him out of the image and cropped it to get rid of the excess  space so the main subject is taking up the space.

This is me using puppet warp to make the clock more bold.

The reason that i have used the clock is to give the perception like time is frozen and that he is going super speed .That is why i have posed the person liek that making it look like hes running and stopping time.